The first time I ever tried it I was filled with that kind of trepidation that manifests when you introduce you introduce two of your very favourite friends to each other for the very first time. Will they get on like a house on fire or will it all wind up in a disastrous tangle of regret and sadness that they just really didn't hit it off. Fortunately on that occasion I was not disappointed.
You'll need:
Fill a nice sturdy tumbler with cracked ice cubes. Pour in the whisky and amaretto and stir to mix.
If whisky isn't really your bag, then no worries! Let me introduce the rest of la familia! For a Godmother, replace the whisky with vodka and for a Godchild replace it with brandy. Have fun getting to know each and everyone of them!
I was very interested to discover that even though Amaretto tastes of yummy almonds it is actually made from apricot kernels! In fact Disorrono Amaretto state on their website that it is totally nut free, good news for those of you with nut allergies eh! Alcohol and education folks - I'm telling you, it's the way forward!
The Godfather
You'll need:
- 2 measures of whisky
- 1 measure of Amaretto
- Cracked ice cubes
Fill a nice sturdy tumbler with cracked ice cubes. Pour in the whisky and amaretto and stir to mix.
If whisky isn't really your bag, then no worries! Let me introduce the rest of la familia! For a Godmother, replace the whisky with vodka and for a Godchild replace it with brandy. Have fun getting to know each and everyone of them!
I was very interested to discover that even though Amaretto tastes of yummy almonds it is actually made from apricot kernels! In fact Disorrono Amaretto state on their website that it is totally nut free, good news for those of you with nut allergies eh! Alcohol and education folks - I'm telling you, it's the way forward!
Godfathers also work VERY well with a splash of Cointreau - don't know if they have an official name but when I was a bar wench I called them a Sicilian Godfather!