I don't know what I've been doing instead of perusing the
Summerill & Bishop website. Hiding under a rock? Getting shouty at daytime TV? Hunting for the
best eggs Benedict in London? Actually, that last thing is a perfectly acceptable reason. But I really should have discovered them sooner.

There's some great stuff in the rest of the shop but it's the
vintage section that's really caught my eye. Want to make
madeleines? How about making them in a vintage French mould? It's £19.50.

I've wanted a
mezzaluna for ages. Excellent for chop-chop-chopping herbs. It's £68 though. Darnit.

cafetiere is perfect. I'm a huge fan of enamel, but I'm also a huge fan of pretty kitchen accessories that match the rest of my house. I wish I drank coffee enough to pay £68 for it though.
Love this shop.
Oh dear! I think my credit card might take a bit of a battering, what a lovely site. Fab blog BTW. Thanks for the shopping tip.....I think!