Our friends at
Love Hearts and Crosses are being very kind today. You see those lovely
'I love cake' earrings in that photo? Well they've let us have a pair to give to one of you! Hurrah! After much insistence that I'm not allowed to keep them, I promised to make you all answer a silly question, and then we'll put all of the answers into a hat and pull out a name.
Just tell us what your biggest baking/cooking disaster has been.I've almost burned down the food tech building in my old school while trying to make chocolate mousse, and Miss Cay had food tech disasters as well (before she became like Nigella Lawson with a Northern accent). All of us have had a rubbish cooking moment at some point or another. And most of the time, as long as no one gets third degree burns, they're pretty damn funny.
You can answer in two ways. Either leave a comment here for everyone to read and giggle at or
drop us an email. Whichever way you decide to enter, we can't accept anonymous entries to this comp (how will we know who to send the swag to?!) and you're agreeing to sign up to our forthcoming newsletter which will be
brilliant. You'd be quite right to sign up for that anyway while you're here. No Twitter entries for this competition though.
Of course, if you don't win, you can always pop over to Love Hearts and Crosses and buy the earrings yourself...
UPDATE! Whoops! I meant to tell you when to get your entries to us by! By 6pm today please! Sorry, I clearly got over excited by sharing presents and forgot that bit. Santa never has to worry about blog posts, does he?