How can anyone resist this hungry bear? I certainly can't. Look at that face! I want to give him my sandwich! This bear lives on a side-plate, and has been drawn by James Ward of Jimbob Art, whose range of printed dishes are ridiculously adorable. His gorgeous hand-drawn animal characters are both funny and sweet, while also beautifully artistic.
Side plate characters include the Hungry Bear, the Sandwich Destroyer mouse, and the Badger who eats cake in his pants, all $37.50 (£24), it's impossible not to smile when you see them.
Of course, while I would love to have a whole dinner set, it might be simpler to start with a solo piece, like this fantastic sleeping cat serving plate, $85 (£54).
Incredibly, each single plate has been drawn individually and then glazed... there is no mass-production here, so each one is slightly different, and lovingly made. I really like that. Jimbob says "One of the main contexts of my recent work is the idea that big scary animals can express themselves and still like to eat cakes off plates!" Which is true, if you think about it.
Guest post by Claire Nelson.
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