On the fourth day of Christmas, Domestic Sluttery gave to me lots of lovely Lisa Stickley goodies!
It's no secret that we're Lisa Stickley fans. Not only is she lovely, she's got a knack with her colouring crayons and her designs have us swooning. Charming and cute, without being twee, which isn't an easy thing to pull off at all. But she does, and we want everything on the website.
So, we're super thrilled that she's giving away lovely things for one of you to keep (not for us to keep, we're not allowed to keep your presents). You'll get the awesome washbag pictured above (worth £30) which is sure make any bathroom shelf look lovely. And these super pretty placemats (worth £12) as well.

The small print (yawn): The competition will close at 8pm December 6th. This prize is only available to UK readers! You must also leave a name as well to make sure we know who you are! If you're anon, your entry won't count. We're not allowed to enter our own competitions, but Siany's favourite bit about Christmas is wrapping up presents. We wish we could enter our competitions. Humph.
Sounds great, those placemats look lovely!
I love going into town on Christmas Eve and just mooching and meeting people. This only works if all your Xmas shopping is finished and wrapped.
ReplyDeleteThe best thing about Christmas is stollen! Why can't you get it all year round?? :-)
ReplyDeleteWe have a great Christmas market, complete with an ice rink, where I live - the setting is just perfect, and I love visiting it in the afternoon, with all the lights glowing, people skating, and the smell of mulled wine wafting in the air.
ReplyDeletemy fave bit about christmas is unpacking all the decorations from the basement! i love looking at all the things i made as a kid with my sister (along with my grannys help) the best ones are the three wise men made from beer bottles!
ReplyDeleteIt has to be the amazing food my mum makes, all the turkey, christmas cake, triffle, christmas pud....i've recently moved from the family home to my own pad and i miss her cooking sooo much! Mum's are STARS! ;-* p.s. my mouth is watering with the thought of it right now! x
ReplyDeleteGorgeous prizes. This christmas will be very special for me as my little boy will be 8 months so the best thing for me will be sharing it all with him and setting our new family traditions for Christmas together. I'm so excited, can't wait!
ReplyDeleteI love Fake Christmas Day with my friends - we all bring a dish, cram into a too-small living room, and eat eat eat (and exchange presents)! It's exceptionally convincing - I tend to get a post-Christmas slump, and have to remind myself that there is a real Christmas yet to come...
ReplyDeleteHas to be the look of my four year olds face when he realises that Santa's been :-)!
ReplyDeleteBeing up at midnight on Christmas Eve, trying to make the cat talk - that's a folk superstition not a euphemism.
ReplyDeleteThe best thing about Christmas is the look of wonder and complete awe on the children's faces as the tension builds. In the back of the car on the way to school this morning:
ReplyDeleteWilliam (6) : do you believe in Father Christmas, Ruby?
Ruby (5): er. Dunno. Do you?
William : Of course! No one would be daft enough to make up a man with a mad beard if they were making up a story.
Out of the mouths of babes..
The best thing about Christmas? The level of obesity I can obtain in a single day with absolutely no criticism or judgement. Hand me the pigs in blankets now...
ReplyDeleteMy favourite part of Christmas is sitting around the table with the whole family reunited. Currently the family is scattered across the globe; Pappa is working in Thailand, Big Brother is lecturing in Australia, Mamma and I are both in the UK- but at opposite ends of the country.. I can't wait until we all get home together. And mum makes mince pies.
ReplyDeleteSpending time with my family, they all come home for christmas, all together in one place. good food and wine and pressies of course! Lovely!
ReplyDeleteMy favourite part of Christmas is Christmas Eve, I love it when all the preparation is done, the tree is decorated with huge pile of presents below it, the children are lovely and clean in new PJ's and very, very excited, and the grown-ups get to sit down with a glass of something nice in front of a real fire. It's the sense of anticipation and excitement of what's to come.....
ReplyDeleteI tend to love everything about christmas, the shopping for peoples presents trying to find something personal and original, the look on peoples faces when they open their presents. Mainly it's getting to spend time and see the majority of my family, hectic but worth it!!!
ReplyDeleteOpening presents and seeing other people open presents from me!!! :)
ReplyDeleteThe best thing about Christmas is finding a full stocking outside my door on Xmas morning and the crunchy sound it makes (I am 25 and will still be getting a stocking I hope!)
ReplyDeleteplaying practical jokes...when making mince pies we always serve up one with branston pickle and serve it with brandy cream to the only person in the room who doesn't know about it...hilarious!
ReplyDeleteMy favourite thing has to be decorating the big christmas tree at my parents...although I haven't been able to do it this year as I won't be going back there till the weekend before christmas so my mum has done it instead (my dad says, sssh don't tell you mum but it's not as good as when you do it!)
ReplyDeleteMy favourite thing about it has to be the whole Father Crhistmas tradition, I love seeing my daughters face when he has been.
ReplyDeleteLisa Stickley's stuff looks gorgeous, I'll have to check it out. x
My favourite thing is having my knitted items appreciated just for a few months! I love creating knitted hats/gloves etc but it's just not the same during July.
ReplyDeleteChristmas dinner and celebrating daughter #2 birthday on Christmas Eve and hubbys birthday on Boxing Day
ReplyDeleteOooh lovely prizes! I think my face bit about Christmas is seeking out the perfect present for a loved one, and that excitement of knowing they'll love it. Christmas is about smiles, lots of them!
ReplyDeleteThis year it has to be celebrating Christmas with my own family for the first time - my newborn son Flynn will be a month old on Christmas eve. He might not be aware of much that is going on but puttine his Christmas stocking out that granny made for him will be special for us - despite the lack of sleep. OOh and my chance to have some Champagne for breakfast has to be pretty special too.
ReplyDeleteLisa Stickley's stuff is fabulous.
Merry Christmas.
Aside from mulled wine (obviously) my favourite part about Christmas is watching warm and fuzzy Christmas films while wrapping and prettifying presents and thinking about how nice it will be to give them to people and make them smile. Oooh Christmas is nice. xx
ReplyDeleteOoh so many things! One of my favourite things is staying up til midnight so it's technically Christmas day so you get to open ONE present! But this year it's going to be reading the Night Before Christmas to my one year old lil boy. Aw.
ReplyDeleteMum's lunch with the rest of my Family has to be my ultimate Christmas favourite, she always manages to sort me out the most amazing vegetarian stuffing you have ever tasted.
ReplyDeleteFave thing... being a traditional girl at heart nothing beats the smell of a Christmas tree, mulled wine on the stove and mince pies waiting for me when I arrive home on Christmas Eve...
ReplyDeleteMy favourite part of Christmas is cooking the turkey on Christmas eve (so that no-one has to stress on Christmas Day). Bird goes in the over, we go off to Carols by Candlelight at church, then home for a supper of warm turkey sandwiches and wine = YUM!
ReplyDeleteDr Who Christmas special, watched whilst cramming as much chocolate as physically possible in to my mouth. Mmmmmmmm, sickly... :)
ReplyDeleteHmm...probably being home with all my family, especially as this year I've moved hundreds of miles away from them and haven't seen them since May! Sniff :(
ReplyDeleteI love making the Christmas cake - every year me and my sister meet up at home with mum and dad and make the Christmas cake between us, to the sounds of Tijuana Christmas. I think mum started us doing it in half term when we were little to occupy us, and now we have too much fun to stop. I travelled 300 miles home from uni one year to do it, and at 31 and 28 we did it yesterday :) Everyone gets to stir and make a wish, only half the ingredients usually end up in the cake tin - and there's usually a lot of silliness!
ReplyDeleteMy favourite thing about Christmas is 'Faux Jolie' or when I celebrate Christmas with my friends who I don't get to see over Christmas. It's usually filled with mulled wine, swedish gingerbread and a secret santa which can only be made/found or given. Lots of misletoe too!
ReplyDeleteI love going Christmas shopping and the feeling of satisfaction I get when I complete it (almost there). I love taking the time to think of unusual and unique gifts for my friends and family.
ReplyDeleteWrapping presents with a Christmas CD on, and a glass of wine and a mince pie! The sellotape might get a bit wonky as I work my way down the bottle, but it's all part of Christmas!
ReplyDeleteThe best bit for me is pouring myself a mulled wine, sticking Love Actually on the dvd player and wrap all the presents up! Thats my most favourite bit! :-) xxx
ReplyDeleteI love sitting at home with my family on Christmas eve - we always watch Santa Claus the movie and It's a Wonderful Life. Then its to bed early to give Santa time to bring the gifts (yes we still do this at my parents house, even though I'm the youngest one there at 29!!)
ReplyDeleteChoosing wrapping paper and ribbons/twine/a theme when they're new in the shops ... when it's done, I know Christmas is on its way.
ReplyDeleteChampagne.....lots of it!
ReplyDeleteMy favourite thing about Xmas is seeing how excited my mum gets! She's a big kid at heart and enjoys everything Xmas-related! Even nicer now is that my fiancé is the same, they run around chuckling with glee at everything, seeing their little faces alight with happiness and excitement always makes me appreciate the day that little bit more :)
ReplyDeletethe bestest thing about christmas is the excited bubble in your tummy as you wrap all the lovely things for people and feeling it grow until you think you may burst! and on Christmas day watching everyone open all your carefully chosen eagerly waited to be opened lovelies!! x
ReplyDeleteSeeing the look on my daughters' faces when they unwrap EXACTLY what they wanted - priceless xx
ReplyDeletewatching guilty pleasure movies :)
ReplyDeleteMy favourite thing about Christmas is Christmas morning, when we all sit around drinking champagne while opening our presents. My second favourite thing about Christmas is the fact that for two weeks it suddenly becomes perfectly acceptable to have cheese and biscuits after supper, or a plate of leftovers, or a bowl of nuts and a G&T. Perfect!
ReplyDeleteThe fact that it is not only socially acceptable, but actually frowned upon if you don't partake in a glass of champers with breakfast on Christmas Day, and then keep your alcohol levels topped up to merry until New Years Day!
ReplyDeleteShallow, moi? Hic!
The best bit about Christmas day is it is a holiday and all my friends and family around the world have the time to SKYPE me and catch up on all the news.
ReplyDeleteMy favourite thing about Christmas is after eating a massive amount of food, slipping into my pj's, grabbing a snowball (cal me old fashioned!) and watching Christmas specials!
ReplyDeleteI love being at home with the people I love, making lovely things with them and then cuddling up to watch lovely Christmas films. This has always been the most special thing about Christmas for me, and is even more precious this year since I lost my father in February and am acutely aware that we have to make the most of these happy times and treasured people while we have them. xxx
ReplyDeleteI love how when we go to bed on Christmas Eve my boyfriend is all 'yeah its just 1 day and its expensive', and yet on Christmas morning he is super excited about opening his presents! And I'm always excited to see what spiderman present his parents have bought him (bit of a tradition!) Plus being able to stay in PJs all day - and they have to be a cosy new set each year which can only be worn for the first time on Christmas day!
ReplyDeleteEvery Christmas eve for the last fifteen years, my dad and I go out in the back garden and make a fire in an old round barrel (in the summer we use it for composting). With my mum and my brother we roast chesnuts on kebab skewers, then afterwards we toast marshmallows and put them in between milk chocolate digestives. Heaven.
ReplyDeleteMy favourite thing about Christmas is baking the Christmas cake - the ingredients cost a small fortune but as the house fills with the loveliest, most richly welcoming smell in the world I remember why I do it!
ReplyDeleteMy favourite thing about Christmas is the feeling of anticipation you get on Christmas Eve and how excited I still get when I go to bed, knowing there'll be presents and feasting the next day.
ReplyDeletewe've had home baked cheese straws for as long as i can remember at our house - plates and plates of them, we eat them at every opportunity. my nan corner used to make them and bring them around on christmas eve and then when she died my dad took on the tradition. coming home to a house full of the smell of hot cheesy pastry was the best. it's been almost 2 years since dad died and so last year the making of the cheese straws fell to me. i can honestly say that i'm looking forward to making them this year, though they'll never taste the same and i miss the fight between me and my dad over the last one.
ReplyDeleteMy favourite thing about Christmas is the anticipation! Seriously, when we hit mid-November I can't wait until December 1st so I can watch Love Actually and get in the Christmas mood. Then I spend all of December picking lovely presents, deciding how to wrap them, making decorations for our tree... I love it!
ReplyDeleteMy granddad always steals my roast potatoes at Christmas. :(
ReplyDeleteBut what I DO love about Christmas is the smell. Christmas has a different smell to any other day in the year. It smells like Christmas food and Christmas tree, with a hint of winter. I think it smells like smiles.
Looking round the house and seeing how perfect it looks! The effort- tidying up for all the rellies for one day of the year! You know what I mean. But don't look under the beds
ReplyDeleteBest bit about Christmas? (Almost) guaranteed new pyjamas, in which it is acceptable to lounge about all day long!
ReplyDeleteFor the last four years my friends and I have gone to the pub for a roast dinner and then watched It's A Wonderful Life at our lovely cinema. There's usually about twenty of us, so it takes some organising but it's worth it! We also do secret santa beforehand, so it feels really Christmassy and special. Best of all is the competition we have on who'll shed the first tear at the film - it's definitely the best Christmas film ever! Suze x
ReplyDeleteLittle faces on Christmas morning!
ReplyDeleteLast year, my daughter asked Santa for a bell off of his sleigh! Took a bit of imagination, but on Christmas morning her face was a picture of joy when she unwrapped a sleigh bell with the leather lace snapped off the sleigh. Simple, inexpensive, but definitely my favourite thing about Christmas!
ReplyDeleteI just can't decide what my fav thing about christmas is i'll tell you two of this years highlights; my aunt's mustard gravy which, puored over as beautiful roasted ham is almost as good as turkey, or being curled up in front of my parent's woodburning stove, drinking mulled wine, looking out at the snow with all my family which is really what christmas is all about...
ReplyDeleteMy favourite memory of Christmas was when my mum and dad spoke to the neighbourhood Santa and gave him my name and my sister's, so when he came round he knew our names! I honestly believed he was the REAL Santa and the others were imitating him. Now, as a grown up, the best part of Christmas is seeing the little ones with belief in their faces when they open their faces and believe that Santa has been to give them gifts.
ReplyDeleteAlso, I love a mulled wine and a giant tube of Smarties on Christmas Eve!
I think my favourite thing is everyone helping out with preparing the sprouts, set the table, lay the crackers out, etc for Christmas dinner.
ReplyDeleteI know the prize winning is only open to UK readers, but I wanted to share my fav Christmas thing(s)...
ReplyDeleteWhen I was a child, I used to round up all my little neighbors and go caroling. I don't know about Britain, but no one really does that here anymore. The last time I got a caroling party together was around 1995. This was not a children's party. ;)
I love having some rum-spiked hot drinks or wine, heading into the cold night to ambush random households with Christmas cheer-- then heading home for MORE rum-spiked warmth and a general gold-diffused evening of frivolity and food.
It is still my favorite thing. Someday, I WILL bring carolers together again!
Spending the few days I have off work seeing the people I love to see and don't see often enough.
ReplyDelete(And, somehow, finding a day to watch Christmas films in my pyjamas with chocolates and my favourites!)
My favourite thing about Christmas is seeing my children's faces when they see all their presents under the tree on Christmas morning. It's priceless.
ReplyDeleteThe food, always the food! Can`t beat sitting round the table all tucking into a turkey lunch with all the trimmings. :)
ReplyDeleteMy favourite thing about Christmas is...everything! I particularly enjoyedthe house decoration as a kid, as it was what helped me enter the Christmas spirit. Coming from a warm country though we only had a small plastic Christmas tree...so really looking forward to spending this Christmas at my Danish boyfriend's parents house! They have even agreed to wait till I am there to give me the honour of choosing the Christmas tree this year!!!! And no...I'm not 6 :)
ReplyDeleteMy favourite thing about Christmas is that its the one day where it's acceptable to eat chocolate (from your stocking of course) before breakfast! :)
ReplyDeleteDousing a mini Christmas pud with alcohol and then setting it alight in memory of my Gramps.
ReplyDeleteNone of us even like Christmas pudding but we still do it to remember the look on his face when we'd poured half a bottle on his portion.
My favourite thing about Christmas is getting loads of presents for my fiancé. We always set a price limit for each other but I love to get him one big thing then lots of little ones, I get so excited pulling out present after present for him! :D
ReplyDeleteThe food - making it, seeing other people eat it, smelling it, shopping for it - I'm all about the noms! :)
ReplyDeleteBrussel Sprouts
I love the smell of Christmas - the tree, the gingerbread, the spices
ReplyDeleteEating lots and lots xx
ReplyDeletemy fav part of christmas is buying chocs for the xmas tree then watching my family nicking them off the tree as soon as they are put on - happens every year, lol.
ReplyDeleteMy favourite thing about Christmas is the anticipation. I love sopending ages choosing presents and wrapping them up. Usually the big day is a massive let down in comparison, but I will feel EXACTLY the same next year - so excited about it all!
ReplyDeleteI have to admit, I LOVE the last minute Christmas shopping in a busy high-street. The buzz is amazing, and then the carollers and brass bands... Top it off with snow and it's amazing.
ReplyDeleteI also love the atmosphere at mass at Christmas. :)
spending* Oopsy!
ReplyDeleteMy favourite thing is watching people receive the presents I've made them. This year will be extra special as I made all the presents for my Boyfriend's family. Gotta be getting extra points for that!
ReplyDeleteThe best thing about Christmas is organising a meet up with friends you don't see often and getting together with family who live far away.
ReplyDeleteIt has to be the smell of a real Christmas tree after you bring it inside - gorgeous!
ReplyDeleteWaking up to my little brother's squeals of delight that Father Christmas have come on Christmas morning...
ReplyDeletewatching my gorgeous squishy boy opening all his presents,whilt the cat wrestles the wrapping paper and I can sit in front of guilty pleasures TV with a cheeky vodka ( or two)..bliss
ReplyDeleteThe smell of warm mulled wine filling the house although this december has been a mulled cider month. It just conjures up such warm and cosy feelings , lovely.
ReplyDeleteMy children are 18 and 14 now, but when they were younger, I used to love the Christmas eve bed ritual.....bath, new pj's, slippers and dressing gown. Christmas dvd, then doing Santas glass of milk and mince pie and a carrot for Rudolph! Then settling them in bed. They were so excited, it was magical, and I miss that so much now!
ReplyDeleteThe best thing about Xmas is finishing work early on Xmas Eve, drinking a glass of mulled wine and having a festive kiss under the mistletoe with the one you love. Christmas is all about being with those you love and showing them how much they mean to you.
ReplyDeleteIt has to be the squeals of delight I can hear as my children all find their stockings at the end of their beds. Just waiting for them to burst into our room and tumble out their words one over the other in excitement and delight!
ReplyDeletemy favourite thing about christmas is the small of the christmas tree..
ReplyDeleteI love waking up early on Xmas morning knowing that gifts will be given and gifts will be gotten!! (I know that's bad English but hey)
ReplyDeleteBrekkies of bucks fizz and scrambled eggs and smoked salmon!! Yay then bring it on!!1
ReplyDeletejust being allowed to revert back to a 5 year old and eating all the sweets from the Quality Street tin
ReplyDeleteWatching the kids' nativities...they sing all the words, but necessarily in the right order! Reassuring them that, yes, Father Christmas can get into the house even though we don't have a chimney! Wearing a lovely dress on Christmas Day; glass of wine in hand and smile on face ;-)
ReplyDeleteMy favourite thing about Christmas is shiny twinkling lights that make everything look super pretty! :)
ReplyDeleteThe best bit about Christmas is still having that feeling of 'Oh my god, Santa has been' when I see my stocking.
ReplyDeleteAt nearly 25 I probably should have grown out of this but there is a small part of me who refuses to disbelieve in the magical bearded man leaving me presents!!
My fav thing is when its cold outside, coming into a nice warm house with all the sparkly xmas lights, mince pies warming in the oven and a glass of mulled wine by your side. Yum.
ReplyDeletefeeling like a complete child, bouncing around in the snow trying to catch snowflakes on your tongue :D
ReplyDeleteSeeing my two girls faces light up on Christmas morning as they open their stockings from Santa.
ReplyDeleteHaving the family all together
ReplyDeleteMy absolute favourite thing? Coming into the driveway on Christmas Eve, knowing that my family are inside waiting fir me, and that foe the next few days I don't have to leave them.
ReplyDeleteThat is my perfect Christmas, every single year.
No more entries now! Thanks for playing!
ReplyDeleteChristmas eve gathering of family & friends, the smell of mulled wine, the christmas tree christmas sented candles, and spicey warm finger food travelling from the oven; twinkley lights, prezzies wrapped and under the tree, and the knowing look of combined excitement, exhaustion, hastle and contentment of all familiar faces.....love it
ReplyDeletecinnamon, cloves, holly, stockings (pillow cases?!), tangerines, mums cooking, baileys, frosty cobwebs, ear-warmers, empty streets, big shiny baubles, tiny little fairylights, happy memories of absent friends, manic children, tired oldies, afternoon naps, cuddles, LOVE.
ReplyDeleteChristmas Eve all our friends come for drinks
ReplyDeleteWatching Santa Claus: The Movie from beneath a duvet, scoffing cheese and crackers with chutney, M&Ms, Celebrations, home made mince pies... you know, the good stuff. I usually do this alone, but this year by boyfriend will be joining me and I'm a wee bit excited.
ReplyDeleteEach Xmas has a theme in our house now that our girls are teens: last year was "Aloha! Kitschmas (inflatable palm tree with Xmas deccies on it, a hula girl doll we made an outfit for, pineapples, blue drinks with flamingos and umbrellas in, Elvis Xmas songs and lei hung eeeeevery-danged-where). This year is going to be "Onesie Xmas Sleepover" themed with a chocolate fountain, hot chocolate, cheesy movies, Twister, face packs, pillow fights and Xmassy manis. Squee!
ReplyDeleteSloe gin, ginger wine & leaving the washing up! x