On the 6th day of Christmas, Domestic Sluttery gave to me... a case of wine from Naked Wines!
I'll be honest, I don't really know too much about wine. I know what I like (a full-bodied red at the moment, but I'm changeable). But I want to know more about it. I want to have more of a clue about what I'm buying, what I'm drinking and where those grapes are coming from. Of course, then I drink the bottle and get tipsy and forget, but the thought is there and that's good enough for me.
Naked Wines make things a little bit easier. They work with smaller, independent wineries, so you get to try something new. And they've got an Angel scheme so you can help those wineries grow, as well as getting a good deal on your plonk. I'm working my way very successfully through a case at the moment, and everything I've tried has been excellent.
As there's still half a case left in Sluttery HQ (at least there will be until our Christmas Party on Friday), we're giving one of you guys a whole case worth £80! Hurrah! It'll look a little bit like the one in the picture, but maybe not identical. There will be a choice of wine colours though, so you can try all sorts of different tipsy things.
So what do you have to do to win? Just tell us who you'd share your wine with! Would you have a massive party until it was all gone? Or savour each bottle with your other half? Or would yo give the bottles away as presents? Tell us in the comments (just once, no need for extra sneaky entries) before 8pm tonight. We'll draw a winner at random, and announce who has won a whole host of Christmas booze tomorrow.
Good luck everyone!
The small print (yawn): The competition will close at 8pm December 8th. You must be UK based AND 18 or over to enter this one. You'll get a choice of reds, whites, or mixed wines. You must also leave a name as well to make sure we know who you are! If you're anon your entry won't count and if you enter more than once, we'll discount all of your entries (yes, we do check). We're not allowed to enter our own competitions, but Siany would share this with her parents when she goes home for Christmas. We wish we could enter our competitions. Humph.
Friends, family, and three wise men! Great prize.
ReplyDeleteI would drink all of this over Christmas with my family and friends! Yum.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteThat's a difficult one! Instinct says hoard them to enjoy with my husband but I think I could be persuaded to host a dinner party for a few close friends and share a few bottles with them. Would have to make it a sleepover though :-)
ReplyDeleteI would most definitely savour half of the bottles with my boy and the rest of them would be used for a night in with my best girlies! I'm moving far far away in April (Hong Koing, baby!) so I need more nights in with the girls :D
Definitely the man as it's just the two of us snuggled in for a week at Xmas, that would make for very much merriment indeed! :-D
ReplyDeleteHi I'd be happy to have 2 mintues peace, by our tree with my lovely Husband to sip wine for the rest of Winter.
ReplyDeleteNice giveaway,
I'd share it with my lovely sister who has been letting me stay with her when I'm down in London working. We don't see much of each other - as I'm in Manchester so this has been a lovely opportunity and sharing this wine with her would be a real celebration.
ReplyDeleteI would intend to share it with my lovely boyfriend but could possibly drink it all myself. I couldn't say. I WANT TO WIN THIS! :) x
ReplyDeleteMy boyfriend paid for a wine tasting qualification for us to do together but the cost of the wine makes it rather more expensive than we thought so we've not started it yet! This case from Naked Wines would get us started nicely...
ReplyDeleteI'd share it with my lovely husband who's working away this week and I'm missing him terribly. It would help us celebrate his homecoming.
ReplyDeleteHello sluts! I think I'd have to use a bottle or two to bribe Royal Mail to give me my missing parcels!! The rest would be used to preserve parental sanity over Chrimbo in the face of our overexcited youngin and angsty teen..
ReplyDeleteOh my god so much wine, I would throw a big party after my viva in January (after which I will hopefully have finished with my long and painful PhD).
ReplyDeleteIt was my birthday yesterday - and what better way to smoothe the transition from birthday surprise into the Christmas spirit than to share a case of wine with friends?
ReplyDelete*Does the math* 12 bottles.... 12 days of Christmas.... Yeah. That works. Then can share with whoever happens to be around on that day (and if no-one's around, you just don't have to share!). Isobel. x
ReplyDeleteThis is right up my Dad's street so it would be an extra pressy for him and my Stepmum :0)
ReplyDeleteOf course he wouldn't be drinking them alone I shall partake in an invite to tea x
i'm having a big christmas/housewarming party for all my fab friends who helped me move house recently! i'm sure the wine would go down very well indeed at this! :oD
ReplyDeleteI think I would savour each bottle alone in my mountain retreat. I would wave the labels in front of the dogs so they know why 'mummy' is suddenly a little less...normal :0)
ReplyDeleteoooh, tough one....would keep the reds for myself for cosy nights in and give the white as gifts for christmas!
ReplyDeleteAMAZING timing! 'Tis the season for Christmas parties, but my default setting (Tesco Cava, honestly the best cava on the market) isn't on offer at the moment which means that I'm haemorraging cash on booze.
ReplyDeleteThis would be the most incredible solution, tipsifying my party chums and giving me a spare bottle or six to put in the fridge and rub against my aching forehead the next morning. Win win win!
Definitely an impromptu party with my friends. It would be a good excuse for one!
ReplyDeleteIdeally it would be with Mark Owen! But being hes T Total I'm guessing not him! So it would have to be my gorgeous husband. For each bottle I would cook a fabulous domestic slut style meal! Then take the remains of the bottle to the sofa to finish off whilst snuggled up watching a film :-) perfect! x
ReplyDeleteYay, wine!
ReplyDeleteMuch as I'd secretly like to keep it all to myself, I think I'd take it home and share it with my family over Christmas. My dad could have the red, and I'd share the rest with my mum and my sister!
I would share it with my family over Christmas lunch
ReplyDeleteWell, I definitely wouldn't give it away that's for sure. I'd share the bottles with my boyfriend - they should last us the Christmas period!
ReplyDeleteI'd definitely share mine with my Grandad, he really loves his wine and has a cheeky tipple every evening. He can hold his drink a lot better than me though (I know, shameful) so he'd better have more than half!
ReplyDeleteI think I would have to share it with a tasty takeaway- delicious wine and hassle free food, perfect
ReplyDeleteI would share a few with my husband, as it's our first Christmas as a married couple, then share the rest with friends in front of a roaring fire at our New Year's Eve dinner.
ReplyDeleteI'll drink the whole lot myself to drown my sorrows after missing out on yesterday's gorgeous dress!
ReplyDeleteAs a pagan, I would share them with my grove at our usually majestic Saturnalian feast. I cooked last year for 30 people. Believe me, a wee glass of wine did not go amiss after all of that. We had baked ham glazed in brown sugar, cloves and dijon mustard, followed by winter Eton Mess (just used homemade mincemeat and put a finger of brandy and some Orange zest in the cream).
ReplyDeleteI'm not sure what I'll be doing this year, although there have been several requests for goose...
love Clare x
Belfast (just in case another Clare emerges!)
It would be my contribution towards my extended family Christmas lunch so that we can eat, drink and be merry!
ReplyDeleteI would have a bottle or two with Christmas dinner to cover up the fact that im cooking it for the first time for all my family. Then the rest will be for me and my lovely boyfriend to snuggle up together on the sofa with a good film and a large glass of wine.
ReplyDeleteThe other half and i would savour a bottle (or two) on Christmas eve and make the evening before the onslaught of families extra special. The rest would be drunk in a bid to recover from the hither and thither of Christmas.
ReplyDeleteKeep one red and one white for hubby and I, and then give a bottle to all our neighbouring shops on the road where we work. It's been a difficult run-up to Christmas with the weather, and I think we all need a little warming refreshment and recognistion of a job well done. :-) (tbh, we'll do it anyway whether we win or not ;-))
ReplyDeleteMy three closest friends and I could do with a girly night in - i think this case of wine would be the perfect addition to our gossiping!
ReplyDeleteNice big dinner party with friends, good food, good conversation, good Christmas atmosphere and now good wine to go with it!
ReplyDeleteI'd share it with my best friend who's planning to move back to Finland next year and will be missed sorely... This case would probably ensure a few good memory-making evenings to keep us both going until we'll see each other again.
ReplyDeleteI'd share this fantastic gift with my work colleagues for all the support they have given me during a difficult year. Sometimes its easy to forget that people do care... Here's to a bright and shiny 2011 sluts!!!
ReplyDeleteWith a whole case, they'd more than enough to share with friends and family- and keep an extra couple for my those long winter nights curled op on the couch! Also due to a mountain of snow in Scotland there's a good chance I won't be able to get down to the shops to purchase festive wine so winning this would be a wee Christmas Miracle- God bless us, every one!
ReplyDeleteAs a strapped for cash student I think I'd be giving this little lot away to family as presents though would keep one or two for me and my other half to enjoy.
ReplyDeleteMy boyfriend. Next year he's intending to overhaul his regular career as a buyer and study a HND in Wine Appreciation so he can become a wine merchant. I wanted to let him know that I support him in everything he does and I think this would be the perfect sharing christmas gift to give him the confidence to get him kick-(drunk)started.
ReplyDeleteI would share it with my friends S & C, who have both had very tricky years.
ReplyDeleteI would also share it with the headache gnomes, who have been plaguing me since June, as a glass of white seems to be the only thing which makes them stop dancing polkas round my head in their hobnail boots.
Do I have to share it???
ReplyDeleteOh ok, since it's Christmas, I'll share it with my boyfriend who is currently in bed with a throat infection (wine is medicine right?) and my lovely mum who has taken me for countless lunches and shopping trips this year and really deserves a treat from her penniless daughter!
the wine would go on adventures...a couple would stay in brighton for my boyfriend's birthday (one would get lonely by itself), two to be taken to margate for christmas day and boxing day, three headed towards whitstable for the extended family (alcoholics the lot of them), one to north london to wet an expected baby's head and three to a boozy new year's party in wiltshire. i'd keep the nicest one on standby in case dennis haysbert ever decides to show up (he's been ignoring my emails you see...)
ReplyDeleteNot the OH as he hates wine. My friend who can guzzle it like the best of them.
ReplyDeleteI'm in process of buying a flat so I would save the case for a select housewarming in the new year in the new place with my bestest friends!
ReplyDeleteI would share them .... SOME of them, that is! If I won it would definitely be an excuse to have a christmas gathering with friends. Hopefully teach ourselves a bit of wine-ducation and class, but we'd probably end up drunk enough to not be able to tell the difference from rose to red, let alone sweet to sour... sounds like a brill night to me!!
ReplyDeleteViolins at the ready: I'm coming home from uni soon and up here I can't afford wine and my friends only drink vodka. Therefore, I would share it in sunny sunny Lancashire with some of my old school pals while moaning about essays and exams and other non-important things that we students have to worry about... and also my mum for sending me shopping.
ReplyDeleteIf they arrive before Christmas I would share them with my partner's family at our usual Christmas get together in Wales. If they don't, I would share them with the boyfriend. We both love wine, but tend to go for the same bottles everytime, so it would be nice to try something new! We also usually only buy a bottle or two, so to have a whole case would be amazing!
ReplyDeleteIt's mine and the hubby's first Christmas as a married couple, so I think a bottle or two for us to share and then the rest would enable us to throw an impromptu Christmas party, for it is our favourite time of the year!! Great prize and great blog by the way :) Merry Christmas!
ReplyDeleteI'd share it with all the people who have supported my mad year of having a new baby and new business couldn't have done it without them all - Cheers my lovelies xx
ReplyDeleteOh! Absolutely share with the Buns & Roses WI - we are having cheese and wine tasting next week and we're living proof we are capable of glugging mulled wine whilst superbly crafting! Though a case won't go too far with our big meetings, it will be a great way to bring up spirits in the bitter cold! And if it arrived after this event, we would share it with the 6 other WI groups coming for our mixer in January - winter = booze! :)
ReplyDeleteHmm...it's the Christmas season - that means several visits to the in-laws and dull neighbours. I think I'd use this wine for medicinal purposes to get me through it all!
ReplyDeleteMy small team at work has been putting in 50+ hours per week trying to launch a redesign of a new site (to be announced) and they could really use a nice box of wine to take the edge off!
ReplyDeleteI'd share it with my lovely sister who is letting me stay over while my fiance recovers from worst cough/man flu EVER, and then I'd share some with the boy once he's stopped attempting to expel his poor lungs.
ReplyDeleteGreat prize ladies, I have my fingers crossed!
Charlotte x
I'd share this with friends in the New Year during a geeky Sunday afternoon playing boardgames.
ReplyDeleteJanuary is a long, boring (and, quite frankly, skint) month and consuming a glass or two of wine while beating your friends at Scrabble is a great way to pass the time!
Mmmmm.... wine! I think I'd mostly drink it with my OH, as we are very prone to a nice bottle at the weekend. My friends and family would be very lucky to even get a whiff!
ReplyDeleteFirst I think I would have to pinch myself to so I knew I was really looking at that much wine! Then I would be greedy and drink it all to myself! Whilst eating some mincepies and listening to "I wish it could be Chrsitmas everyday" Well I might give a couple of bottles to my flatmates seeing as its the season for giving :)
ReplyDeleteI might be a suck-up and send one bottle to Santa as well....
This would be a great present to share with family and friends in the spirit of Christmas
ReplyDeleteI'd share it with my boyfriend and family over Christmas, as long as they provided the cheese to go with it!
ReplyDeleteI'd share it with everyone. Good will to all men and such. As if I need an excuse to press more alcohol on anyone! "Go on...don't be boring...leave the car...stay the night...just another glass...but you haven't tried this one yet...sure one more splash won't hurt...it's Christmas!!"
ReplyDeleteI'd take the whole lot up to Scotland with me for xmas to spread the cheer and also take the edge off the 6 hour train journey up there on xmas eve... actually most of it will probably go on that train journey!
ReplyDeleteI would share this wine with my boyfriend Meilir. It's our fifth anniversary on the 17th of December. We're both a bit skint so we're going to cook a big christmas dinner on the day rather than go out for food. I'll be trying out the domestic sluttery bread sauce recipe, and the vegetarian nut roast, they both look amazing! But we both couldn't drink all of the wine, so would take the spares home to my parents over Christmas. They love wine and I owe them big time for all the free wine they've given to me over the years!
ReplyDeleteParty, I think. A cheese and wine party! With fondue.
ReplyDeleteI'd share them with my husband and my sister, as we have all had a really horrible year and deserve to share a bit of luxury.
ReplyDeleteThe OH of course!
ReplyDeleteWe've got a builder mixing concrete in our bedroom at the moment - fingers crossed by the end of the week it will all be worth it and we will have chimney back plus a lovely open fireplace - snuggles in front of fire with rather a large glass of wine to celebrate the end of dust would be lovely :0)
ReplyDeleteI would save half of them for Christmas day for my family to enjoy but the others would be shared with my lovely bloke as he is a bit of a wine lover and he always buys it, so at least this way I can contribute :)
ReplyDeleteI would have a massive Christmas eve party with all my lovely friends. A lot of them live out ouf London now so Christmas is the only time I get to see them all in one place.
ReplyDeleteWineo!!!!! Rose is my fave but a girl can't beat a good pinot grigeo :)
ReplyDeleteI would drink them all over the Christmas period with my bestest girlfriends, getting very drunk and merry and having a fab 'ole time.
With my husband (mostly) and the family on Xmas day (with plenty of xmas dinner, cheese and cake).
ReplyDeleteIf I won the wine I would organise a tasting session with my fiance and pals because we need to choose our wine for our wedding!
ReplyDeleteEmily Wearmouth
You, of course!
ReplyDeleteI'm cooking my first ever dinner party in my brand new house this Christmas, entertaining 13 guests. I've already got my first ever Christmas tree (so exciting!) but I haven't bought the wine yet so this would be perfect, and help my meal to go very successfully! (Ensued drunkeness will hopefully disguise any culinary slip-ups!)
ReplyDeleteI would share mine with family & friends I don't see often enough now we've grown up, but who all come home for Christmas - keeping a nice bottle of red just for me though!
ReplyDeleteI love Naked Wines and I would share it with the girls as we're letting the boys do what they like on the 27th so then we can party!!!! Cannot wait to see my girlies x x
ReplyDeleteI'd share mine with my aunt, who treats me like a son now my mum has moved to Spain.
ReplyDeleteI may be sweet and give one bottle away to a dear friend of mine who is hosting Christmas dinner this year... but I intend to indulge in the remaining bottles with my overworked partner. A little wine would do just the trick at this time of year ;-)
ReplyDeleteI would share my wine with.....me and my bath and some rather fetching bubbles! :-O
ReplyDeleteSheree Violet
I'm arranging a hen do for my bestest friend - we are hoping to take all our friends, mums and nans to a little cottage for a couple of days - this wine would be a very welcome 'extra' guest! x
ReplyDeleteI would share them with my Nan - she's by herself and thinks cracking open a bottle for one is a waste, so she rarely enjoys a nice glass of wine. We'd sit in front of the fire and she'd chat to me about her busy life while we shared one of these lovely bottles.
ReplyDeleteIm hosting a supper club this Saturday my first time serving a 7 course dinner to 20 people! It would be fab to be able to offer a paired wine with each course. Like a proper restaurant!
ReplyDeleteI'd share the wine with my close, girly friends We always have a Christmas get together round one of our houses, where we eat yummy festive foods, drink lots of wine, pull Christmas crackers and play Christmas music! The theme of the night is high glamour - so think red lipstick, cocktail dresses and heels!! x
ReplyDeleteoooh, yum! I'd share the wine with a group a friends as we are snowed in (fingers crossed) over the Christmas and New Years period!
ReplyDeleteThis would be wonderful to help me finish off my presents (a lovely bottle of red would be ideal for my boss!) as the cash isn't going as far as hoped this year! The rest would probably go towards my mum's alcohol stash as me and my man are descending on her for the Christmas period! Too much wine, lots of present giving too much of mum's cooking-sounds perfect to me :) xx
ReplyDeleteI would have a HUGE party with all that booze - am sure it'd be greatly appreciated!
ReplyDeleteWe always get together with friends between Christmas and New Year and I'm sure the wine would go down well! I think I'd have to squirrel away a couple of bottles away just for myself though!
ReplyDeleteMy partner lives quite a long way from me, and works shifts, so we don't get as many tv/film/takeaway nights as we'd like!
ReplyDeleteWhen we do have the evening together, we both enjoy a glass of wine and a DVD, so I'd eke my case out a bottle at a time whenever my OH was here!
I would share my wine with the friends that are coming to ours for Christmas dinner. This year will be my first not spent at my parent's house, so I'll need the booze to console myself over the fact that I'm officially a grown-up now!
ReplyDeleteGood wine is best shared with good friends, family and my lovely other half. But I might tuck the odd bottle away for a rainy day!
ReplyDeleteI love entertaining and would absolute love to use this exciting selection of wine to have a lavish cheese and wine evening with all my friends! Everyone would have to dress up as a French person (as I am half French) and taste and rate all cheese and wine! We'd have a few rounds of each to quality test them of course! xxx Charlotte C
I'm sorry, I don't understand ;)
well, I suppose I couldn't begrudge the fiance a small glass or two if forced
Claire x x x
I'd invite Elvis, Marilyn Monroe, Audrey Hepburn and David Niven over and we'd have a blast with that case of wine...then I'd wake up in the morning and realise I'd drunk most of it myself and it had all been a hallucination!
ReplyDeleteI'm planning a Christmas party to say thank you to all our friends and family who have supported us in this crazy year of 2010 so this prize would really get the party started!
ReplyDeleteShare? Are you kidding? I need a case for my very self to get through Christmas with the inlaws.
ReplyDeleteI would share some with my family at Christmas, and toast my Dad who we sadly lost in August.
ReplyDeleteThe rest I would stash for happy evening shared with good friends and loved ones.
I would drink these with my lovely husband, with a few mince pies and chocs...lovely
ReplyDeleteA little festive poem with what I'd do!:
ReplyDeleteFinally the snow has fallen, December is definitely here,
But in my usually chirpy office, where is all the xmas cheer?
In this little ad agency, we work, we toil, we strive,
to deliver three huge pitches before the big day does arrive
And when the pressure's over, with clients suitably impressed,
we'll treat our little worker elves to make sure they de-stress
A party is planned with yummy food - finally a little bit of fun,
but this damned recession means drinking budget...there is none!
If only some naked angels could fly down from the sky,
and bless us with some vino, it really would make us smile!
A happy bunch we will be, with quality wine in hand,
We'll be sure to send you a photo of our winter wonderland!
I'd share it with my dad and try to persuade my mum to try some (she very rarely drinks), as well as having some to hand for visitors. Oh, I'd drink quite myself as well!
ReplyDeleteI'd share with my neighbours, who have been very good to me. Added advantage that everybody could walk home. Would have to save a bottle or two to share with my boys when they come home for Christmas.
ReplyDeleteWe are already having friend over for drinks on New Years Eve, so a whole case of wine would be wonderful to share with them!
ReplyDeleteI'm currently hungover from my office christmas party last night, and the thought of more wine makes me feel a bit ill but i know that feeling won't last (!) so if i won i'd share it with everyone from last night as it was so much fun the first time round :) x
ReplyDeleteI live 400 miles away from my family and am a single Mum so to share this wine I would call together all my new friends and we would toast ourselves and the new year xx
ReplyDeleteI think I'd share a sneaky few with my friends at our pre-christmas christmas dinner, then take the rest home for family get-togethers over the holidays. Looks like there would be plenty!
ReplyDeleteQuite a few of my friends have changed jobs in the last couple of months so I'd share the wine at a dinner party where we sit around chatting into the night and catching up.
ReplyDeleteI would have to share these with my sisters for giggles over family stories! xxxx
ReplyDeleteI'd share this with my old school chums - there's about six of us who've been friends since we were 11, nearly 20 years ago - EEK!
ReplyDeleteWe are cramming in to my tiny flat for a Christmas catch up. Wine would be welcome!
With my darling husband as things are getting him down a lot recently especially as his arthritis is really bad and he is in too much pain to get out.
ReplyDeleteOoh I'd want to keep it all for myself and boyfriend! But I'd like to mull some and share it with friends too. What a lovely prize! Cx
ReplyDeleteHaving been unwell, and largely housebound over the past year I have many a friend to travel to and catch up with. For which red wine is the best accompaniment :)
ReplyDeleteFirstly I would put on a very girlie film, and curl up on the leather sofa with one, perhaps two bottles.
Secondly, I would share a bottle or two, red for him, white for me, with my special man as it is our first christmas together and we want to make it as amazingly romantic as possible.
Thirdly, I would give a bottle or two to special man's dad, as he is a bit of a wine snob and I can't help but feel that Naked Wine would make him open his eyes a little bit.
I have family over on boxing day, for a special annual get together, which rarely happens throughout the year due to exceptionally busy lives.
And finally, IF there is any left at all, I shall welcome in 2011 with my brilliant friends.
But then.....I have an empty cupboard that I could store them in for those selfish moments that sometimes occur....
I'd invite all my best girlie friends around and share the wine with them x
ReplyDeleteI spent last week snowed into my parents house, I have spent this week snowed into my work. If I won this fabulous treat I'd have to provide the parents with a couple of bottles and give a bottle to each of my workmates who have given up a sofa for me over the past few days.
ReplyDeleteThe remaining bottles I'd share with my lovely girlfriend who I've been seperated from for almost a month now due to weather and illness.
I need a Christmas Miracle!
My boyfriend, he drinks more wine than I do! Also, I suppose my parents may deserve a little festive tipple, whether I can bear to part with some velvety red goodness depends very much on how nice they are to me this christmas! :)
ReplyDeletei would drink it with my friends at our annual girly weekend in January. We spend most of the weekend in our pyjamas in front of the fire and the wine would be lovely and well appreciated!
ReplyDeleteI'd share it with my mum. Last Christmas she was four months into chemotherapy, and we were all wondering if it'd be our last Christmas with her. Just being able to share another one with her is about the best gift ever.
ReplyDeleteI would share the case between a small group of lovely friends who all appreciate a good bottle of red. We discuss the the little stories you get on the back of the wines from Naked wines on my lovely warm sofa with my cat (motown). We'd chat about wine, music and films and accompany (probably) four - six bottles with some lovely strong cheeses! Perfect!
ReplyDeleteI would share with my family, sadly that means it wouldn't go far....1 mum, 1 dad, 5 brothers and sisters, 5 brothers and sisters in law, the boy, his family...
ReplyDeleteI might get a glass out of it, if I'm quick, or I start early!
My flatmates are working through Christmas, so I'd probably offer it up as a cure for the I've-been-dealing-with-customers-all-day blues (after stashing a couple, obviously. For emergencies).
ReplyDeletewould have to be with 6 geese a-laying or is that 6 geezers playing! or maybe just all my poor snowed in friends
ReplyDeleteoh how lovely!! my close friends take it in turns each year of going to one anothers houses. although im not the host this year the couple who are have just lost their jobs so were all taking goodies. this would take the pressure off big time
ReplyDeleteI would share these bottles with every person I have asked to be a part of my bridal party, and any left over will be savoured sip by sip after the honeymoon is over...
ReplyDeleteI would share with my daughter ( who I only see every few months) and my new lovely son-in-law ( we have to protect/prevent the MIL jokes): they're both pretty broke after the wedding & can't afford lovely wine like this!
ReplyDeleteFirstly I would have a few good friends round for a delicious meal and share a few bottles with them. Then I would match each wine I had left to someone I know that would love it and spend an evening catching up with them.
ReplyDeleteWine is a great excuse to see people you haven't seen for far too long!
I would share it with my fella and leave one or two for myself. Baths and wine = heaven!
ReplyDeleteHmmm, this is one of those prizes that makes it hard to feel charitable; but guzzling it all yourself points to a burgeoning drinking problem (no, I haven't got one - I'm very good at drinking thanks). I'd share most of it with my hand shaking, red nosed, hard drinking chums, but I'd keep a quaffable bottle just for me (I'm not all heart) to enjoy alongside Pride and Prejudice.
ReplyDeleteI'd share it with anyone, anytime, anywhere...any excuse for a tipple! The perfect giveaway for tipsy Christmas get-togethers.
ReplyDeleteNaked wine would have to be drunk naked with my man.
ReplyDeleteI'd share this with my Grandpa, definitely. He recently found out that I like gin and tonics and red wine, and rather than being disapproving (I'm 20), he finds it hilarious. He tries to get me drunk everytime we go for lunch. I'm sure he'd appreciate lecturing me for hours on the finer points of each glass.
ReplyDeleteWith that much free booze you've got to spread the joy! I'd take a bottle to my Xmas hosts, hold a few back for me, take one along to any parties coming up and also donate one to the Mayhew to raffle off on their next open day.
ReplyDeleteI would definitely share it with my sister in law, as my brother doesn't drink and always looks disapprovingly when we have a glass of wine. So if we had a case, it could be quite amusing getting hammered whilst he tutted and sighed! :o)
ReplyDeleteMy husband loves beer and I really enjoy and am intersted in wine. It's only the two of us so I don't buy wine that often as I don't always get through a bottle on my own. I would love to have an 'educating Steve' wine club as he does actually enjoy it. This could be a great scheme to improve my quality of life a little.
ReplyDeleteluckily not many people i know like wine so a lot of it would be shared with me myself and i :D
ReplyDeletemaybe i'd share a bottle or two with a friend though!
I'd share it with my husband, having a cosy night in watching cheesy Christmas films and scoffing roasted chestnuts. Maybe not the whole case in one night though.
ReplyDeleteHow many bottles are there in a case? 12? Well that means 12 supper parties!!! Even better, I could do a '12 days of christmas' type thing and have a different set of people over for the 12 nights between now and christmas eve...amazing!
ReplyDeleteSo in conclusion, I would share them over supper with everyone I know this festive season!
I would share it with my Boyfriend. Due to work we've had to stop living together and move many miles apart. Christmas week we have planned to spend under blankets, roasting chestnuts, and watching christmas films. I imagine a glass or several of wine may be involved.
ReplyDeleteWith my lovely boyfriend who did me the great favour of introducing me to red wine. I love that man!
ReplyDeleteShare? Well if I HAVE to, I'll give a bottle or two to my sis and another to my best friend. The rest is ALL MINE! But I do promise not to drink it all at once ;)
ReplyDeleteWell, it's made Christmas dinner a hell of a lot more fun with an extra case around the table!
ReplyDeleteI'd give them away as prizes for my family Christmas Dinner game time!
mmm Wine. I'd use it all toasting the winter season and celebrating with the following people: my fabulous housemate Jamie whom has put up the tree and the lights and coped with my crazy lady mood swings: my beautiful boy whom I love and have lost and pray that he'll come back to me (especially if I get him drunk and convince him its a good idea)and lastly my favourite girl Miss Parker to get her through a cold UK Christmas and thank her for being there to stop me drunk texting and being just generally so super. MMMM wine!
ReplyDeleteThe OH's parents regularly provide me with wine when I go to visit, so it seems best to return the favour! Always wise to get in to the future in-laws' good books. :)
ReplyDeleteI'd share this wine with my family and friends. This year they are all getting homemade gifts due to a tighter budget and it would be great to add a bottle each in case my homemade treats don't impress! :)
ReplyDeleteWell... I would share some with me bessie friends, some with my gorgeous boyfriend and some with my boyfriends mum to keep her sweet, always good to have his mum on side ;0)
ReplyDeleteI'd share it with my husband, of course. But only if he's very nice. Otherwise, I'm drinking it all myself, mwuhahaha!
ReplyDeleteA WHOLE case? Wow that's amazing! I'd definitely share mine with all you lovely Domestic Sluts...hubbie is away so I need some drinking company! It would serve as a big thank you for always brightening up my day with news of lovely pretty things that I ALWAYS want to buy/drink/eat etc...
ReplyDeletePlease say I win...?
This case of lovely wine would represent a very well deserved "well done and happy christmas" gift for me and my lovely other half.
ReplyDeleteWe've spent the last year renovating our little house and haven't had any time for fun and games or drinking. As I write this, the lovely other half is working his way through fitting 90 metres of skirting board and I'm taking a little break from painting a whole house.
A lovely case of wine would certainly give us something to look forward to when we can finally sit down and enjoy the fruits of our long long labours, i.e. a warm and cosy home after living on a building site for a year.
Yours, v tired,
My best friend and I have had a shocking few months between so I think we could quite happily spend a good few days in utter naked wine and cheese heaven until we stopped hating the world and got over ourselves!!
ReplyDeleteI'd have at least one or two with my other half, as we don't get any time together being peaceful, and this would be a lovely excuse to just stop one night! Then I think the rest I'd like to share with my sister, her boyfriend, and two of my local lovely friends who I never get to see enough - there should be cheese and warm fires and it would be lovely!
ReplyDeletehave a tea-party with wine in tea cups and lots of homemade cake!
Wow, great prize. It got me thinking about some of those who are less fortunate than myself at this oh-so family orientated time of year. If I was to win this prize, I would hot-foot it down to my friend's comedy soup kitchen in our local town. He was once homeless himself, and instead of just talking about it, he's doing something pro-active to help these people. He's started doing stand up comedy and now runs 3 successful clubs as well as turning an old ambulance (affectionately called Boris!) into a soup kitchen for the homeless. The kitchen is open every night from 11th December, and I just know that if I gave him some lovely bottles of Naked red, he could combine it with my lovely recipe for mulled wine and help to keep these people from freezing on the cold winter streets.
ReplyDeleteThanks for your consideration :)
Abi Jones
I would share most of it with my lovely husband over xmas week as we both love to relax in each other's company with a nice glass of wine in hand. I'd probably be coerced in giving a bottle or two as well to some friends and family, if they're NICE!
ReplyDeleteI would share it with my family - it's been about two years since the four of us have been together and had a drink! About time, I'd say!
ReplyDeleteEvery Christmas we get together with friends and family for a fun quiz evening and this year it's our turn to host it. This lovely wine will make a great evening even better.
ReplyDeleteDelicious! I'd ensure I drank them with different people... with a few glasses just for me and a hot bath!
ReplyDeleteI'd definitely save one for that time, eventually, when I'm with my 2x brothers and 3x sisters... damn the sister in Australia, it's not happened since 2005!
I fancy a glass now actually. Do I have some wine in the house?... heart-stopping moment.
I'd have a big get-together and share it with friends and family.
ReplyDeleteMe and three of my bestest and oldest friends live in the four corners of the world now. We get together every December 23 for our annual gathering back in our little home town to catch up on eachothers lives and realise that despite the distance we still love eachother to bits!
ReplyDeleteThis box of wine would certainly keep up going for the evening!
A fabulous excuse to throw a party and you are all invited :-)
ReplyDeleteWow what a lot of wine!! I would begin by sharing a few bottles with my boy friend but once we'd had our pick of the bunch I'd share the goods with our friends around a lovely winter supper!
ReplyDeleteMy best friend who is due to give birth to her first child any day now - she deserves so deserves a festive knees up!
ReplyDeletei'd share it with my work mates as we're going to be working very very late tonight. Pity it won't arrive before the end of the night...
ReplyDeleteTwitter: emma1111111 or [email protected]
ReplyDeleteI would give my bottle to Daniel Craig in the hope that it would get him very, very drunk - so drunk that he would kiss me under the mistletoe (Believe me, with looks like mine, he'd have to be absolutely plastered)
I work in A&E and unfortunately I'm working nights over the Christmas weekend. I'd take the wine into work and share it with all the patients when it hits midnight on Christmas Eve - they can't make a complaint if I share it with them, right?!
ReplyDeleteI'd leave a glass (or a bottle, if I was feeling generous) out for Santa. He needs something to wash down all those mince pies.
ReplyDeleteI'd have a right old New Year's Eve knees up with this. I'm having a NYE party in my house 'cos we're all feeling the pinch this year so this treat would be most welcome to see in 2011.
ReplyDeleteYou can keep a bottle to share around Domestic sluts HQ (bribes..? never!)
ReplyDeleteThen I'd invite lots of friends over to guzzle the rest. HOORAY!
I would share them with my husband who loves wine and deserves a good old treat :)
ReplyDeleteIn my dreams - with Johnny Depp! In reality - with my OH and friends at an impromptu get together. Cheers!
ReplyDeletei would share it with the mums at playgroup when they come over in the evening to celebrate my birthday,and of course id leave santa a glass or two,
ReplyDeleteI would throw a big festive party and drink all that wine to get warm x
ReplyDeleteI'd share mine with Santa (favourite man in my life) and my mum might get the last few drops if she is lucky!
ReplyDeleteI would drink this during my New Years Eve Party. I have about 100 people comming!
ReplyDeleteI never get anything to myself. If I open a box of chocs, the kids would nab it. If I open a pack of biscuits, hubby would nab it. So, I'd lock myself up in my bedroom, cosy up with a chicklit, and drink the whole bottle myself.
ReplyDeleteWould all go to the parents I think, they like a sip (or a glug!) of the good stuff!
ReplyDeleteI would share it my girlfriend..I have been very neglectful recently and I need to resolve that and be more attentive. As a wine lover she would certainly appreciate a case of naked wine!
ReplyDeleteI would share it with my family since we are spending our first christmas day together in over 15 years. It would make for a very good knees up indeed!
ReplyDeleteI would give the prize to my lovely wife who drinks wine like it's going out of fashion!!! Plus she's already had her xmas present & would be nice to be able to give her a surprise treat x
ReplyDeleteI'd share the whites with myself and the reds with a good beef stew
ReplyDeleteMy fiancee
ReplyDeleteMy husband @ali991
ReplyDeleteMy liver and the other homeless in the gutter of life.
ReplyDeleteHaving no husband or boyfriend, I'd have to dedicate them to the destruction of feminism which is a cause I know you all hold dear to your hearts, at least so I was led to believe by some of the comments.
ReplyDeleteIt would be a good excuse to have friends around and have a wine tasting night