Yes, I *know* £16 for a soap is rather a lot but look! It's shaped like a very proud dachshund! And it smells of fresh linen (as opposed to wet dog)! And it's, er, triple-milled; a process that apparently guarantees a longer-lasting soap! All these things and look how adorable the packaging is - all nicely done so you don't have to bother.
I think it's one of those great emergency Christmas presents to have on stand-by, in case one is needed at short notice. Give this to someone and they'll be forever in your debt, I mean what's not to love about a dog-shaped soap? You can 'fetch!' your own from
The Conran Shop.
I am famous amongst my friends and family for being obsessed with sausage dogs but my other half won't let me have one so I think this soap will have to do! Wonder if I could take it for a walk...?
ReplyDeleteI love this. I'm not even a dog person!
ReplyDeleteI believe it comes fully house trained - and the only sort of 'wet-dog' smell one would want to smother themselves in! ;)