Sian: I really love that little bit of time between Christmas and new year. No one knows what day it is, no one gets dressed properly, no one really does anything except mill about and eat sweets. It's the calm after that storm that is Christmas, wrapping paper and friends and family. You'll find me reading books, reflecting on the year that's passed and watching Love Actually for the millionth time. It's my most favourite time of year. I love seeing people I love in the run up to Christmas but I also really enjoy a bit of time to myself. That's when I'm recharging my batteries, buying a new diary and writing epic to-do lists for the year ahead. I get to do that but with a glass of Baileys nearby and kitten curled up on my lap, hanging with my parents who are pretty damn awesome. I'm so excited right now I could pop.
Kat: Christmas in our house is so traditional I could write out the timings of what happens and when already. But this year, I've got a lot to be thankful for: my brother is back from Singapore for his first Christmas in two years; I get to spend time with my parents, my uncle, aunt, grandma (and most importantly, dog); and there will be lots of feasting and going "I TOLD YOU" when my parents wax lyrical about Modern Family. One of my favourite bits is watching the Queen's Speech: looking back over the year, and seeing what we as a country have achieved, as well as thinking of those we've lost. And I'm looking forward to going to church and hearing our slightly Kraftwerk organist hitting almost all of the notes in the correct order. I wish you a very merry Christmas and a happy and successful New Year.
Laura B: I spend Christmas and New Year in the Canary Islands with my mum every year, so my favourite thing about the festive season is SUNSHINE! This year, we will do as we always do: wake up late, eat a big breakfast of churros, sit on our balcony for a while, take a walk on the beach, maybe have some grilled sardines or prawns for lunch, and then a massive slap-up dinner (with not a turkey in sight!). On the eve of Epiphany, when Spain has its main celebration, we'll leave shoes out for the Kings to fill with gifts (plus we'll thoughtfully provide a bowl of water for their camels), and on the day itself, we'll stop by a bakery to buy a roscón - the traditional Epiphany cake - before watching the town parade (more camels). Ojalá que todos tengan una feliz Navidad y un próspero año nuevo.
Caleigh: I'm spending this Christmas in North Carolina with my in-laws so I actually have no idea what it'll be like! Although I have spent Christmas with my hubby's family before, it was at our home in the UK and, once, in Florida, never yet at their home in Charlotte. Family is important, no matter where I spend the day and I'm sure that, as well as Mum, Dad and Sis -in-law, there will be a few other ex-pats making an appearance. I'm such a child at Christmas, I insist on leaving a dram and a mince pie out for Santa, plus some carrots for the reindeer! I wake up at 5am on Christmas morning, then again at 6, 7... until I'm finally allowed to wake my husband at around 9am - the excitement is too much! We open our stocking gifts together before joining the rest of the family for breakfast and opening gifts. I wish you a joyous Christmas and a prosperous new year, slàinte mhath!
Laura: For me, it's the silliness. There's a festive episode of The Good Life called "Silly, but it's fun" and their Christmas is pretty much the benchmark of ours. There's no standing to attention, no bickering, no conflict of interest: we just all have fun being as ridiculous as we like, and it feels like I laugh all day. It's stuff like seeing my dog Phoebe proudly unwrap her own presents (although sadly, this year will be the first without her.) And realising at half one in the morning of Boxing Day that I've absent-mindedly been wearing a cracker hat since lunch. And my grandparents' outrageous one-liners when they've had a sherry too many. And, this year, watching my 3 year old niece meet Santa but being so in awe she decided to address him with the more formal "Mr. Christmas". I hope you all have a very merry Christmas indeed, and here's to a special 2013 for everyone.
Merry Christmas, Domestic Sluttery readers! You've made 2012 a blast and we can't wait to see you again in 2013.
Flickr image from paparutzi.