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Monday 6 December 2010

The winner of the Hunkydory Home cushion

You guys have EXCELLENT first bike stories. But, there can only be one winner of the Hunkydory Home bicycle cushion. And it's... another boy. *Drum roll please*...

Scott! You're the winner. Yay. For this rather endearing story:

I only learned to ride a bike in April this year. I did have one when I was a kid, which I was just about starting to get to grips with - but I came home one day to find my dad had given it away to one of his friends.

While travelling in China, my friends decided we should take a bike tour round the town of Yangshuo. Cue me quickly teaching myself by freewheeling round the block a few times while everyone else paid for their hire. I got the hang of it in five minutes.

So really my first bike was a 20p hire cycle in a small Chinese town. At the age of 27.

There's something very lovely (and a little bit sad) about this story so we think Scott is a very deserving winner. Even if he is a boy. Scott, just email us and tell us where to send your prize! The rest of you? Head over to Hunkydory Home and snap up all their amazing things for Christmas presents. And make sure you've entered today's competition too.


  1. Brilliant! Thank you Domestic Sluttery. This will come in very handy - I might be a boy but my bottom needs comfort the same as any girl!

  2. You're welcome, Scott! We hope your bottom is happy. x


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