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Monday 13 December 2010

The Winner of the Philips Wake-Up Light

Wow, you guys really really wanted to win the Wake-up light! Rightly so, tis a fabulous prize. But there can only be one winner (you're not getting your mits on mine) and that winner is....

*drum roll*

Callum W! Yay! Here's what Callum had to say:

My family and I always used to wake up and gather around the tree. Dad would start the fire whilst mum would make her and I a Snowball. We'd then put on a Christmas CD and begin to open our presents one at a time. I'm going to miss these traditions. This year will be my first Christmas away from home :(

Oh, Callum. Now you've made us sad with your story. Hopefully you'll have an awesome Christmas, and your Wake-up light will make you smiley. Just email us and tell us where to send your prize. The rest of you should check out today's competition, and hop over to Amazon - they've got some great deals on Wake-up lights at the moment.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh! I'm so happy right now.

    Thank you very much :)

    I've sent you my address.

    Seasons Wishes to you all!! xxx


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