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Thursday 13 August 2009

Design Porn: Harvey Maria

I'm lucky that Domestic Sluttery HQ has really lovely wooden floorboards. Not varnish, no colour, just natural. So I tend to ignore all things floor-based because I have no need for them. But there's not ignoring Harvey Maria. Stunning floor coverings that will really transform a room. You'll have to really want to make a statement with some of them, but as long as you keep everything else simple they'll work. These are my favourites.

I'm guessing you'll have trouble convincing a man to go for this Gerberas design, but it'll look stunning in a white kitchen.

Want a water theme in your bathroom but don't want to do down the whole 'sea theme' route? Then this bubble print will work really well.

I think this feathers print is my favourite. It would look stunning in a bedroom.

I'm not planning on getting rid of my lovely floorboards, but I might start paying a bit more attention to the stuff south of my stilettos.


  1. That feather print is lush. I think the flower one could work well for a little girl's bedroom too - and easier to keep clean than carpets!


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