At the time, I was trying to be a grown up and a cocktail seemed to be the best way to do that. I now no longer pretend that I like whiskey. It's evil stuff. The smell of bourbon even now reminds me of that old bar. There's something very Marlene Deitrich about the classic Manhattan.
You'll need these things:
2 measure of bourbon/rye whiskey (y'know what? Jack Daniels will work just fine)
1 measure sweet vermouth
Dash of Angostura bitters
You'll need to do this:
Shake everything with some ice in a cocktail shaker. Pour into a cocktail glass. Some people add a cherry, or a twist of orange peel, but sometimes I'm a traditionalist and this way will work just fine.
It's best accessorised with a fascinator and a cigar.
Flickr image from Southern Foodways Alliance's photostream.
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