A room like that is small enough for you to have a bit of fun, but you could also use these wallpapers for a feature wall as well - just don't go crazy with them. They're too busy to do a whole room.

This pretty pattern is from renowned designer Suzy Hoodless. You can buy this from Osbourne & Little. I bet you want to buy everything else too.

This peacock wallpaper is from Hamilton Weston. The reproduce historical wallpapers. This one is from 1890.

This poppy paper is from Jocelyn Warner. It's my favourite, even though it's quite dark for a small room, it'd make a great feature wall.

This Lizzie Allen paper is perfect for London Homes. It's from Pedlars.
Or, you could use that colour in wallpaper we featured a little while ago. It's the arty version of the loo library.
what about this wallpaper then - I think it would be fabulous on a feature wall