You can never go far wrong with
Paperchase if you're looking for a quick visual fix, but last time I entered the shrine of design that is the flagship branch on Tottenham Court Road, I was just floored by the amount of cool new stuff they've got in store. Just check out this adorable 'owls' design, covering stationery, crockery and even this cute overnight bag!
I've already got the luggage-tag, am eyeing up the bag and mug and am virtually stalking the designer since stumbling across her
site. Now all they need do is make a matching
Oyster Card holder to add to their their must-have collection of
pass cases and I'll be in owly heaven!
Ha! I went mad for this stuff last time I was in Paperchase, but I only bought stationery. I didn't know about key covers, bags and luggage tags! I feel another visit coming on...