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Thursday 9 April 2009

Design porn (literally): Linzie Hunter's Spam One-Liners

You know how some people take lemons and make lemonade? Well, artist Linzie Hunter takes spam and makes ART:

Taken out of their context and prettified, Linzie's one-liners work as personal mantras rather than evil mass-selling tools, and are quite, quite lovely.

You can buy her spam one-liner prints at Thumbtack Press - they're about 30USD which, depending on when you're reading this, works out at about £21 or THE COST OF YOUR HOUSE. You can also buy all 30 of her typographical spam projects in a handy little book.

1 comment:

  1. I appear to have just bought one of these! Must step away from the computer. Late night shopping is baaaad.

    But, yay!


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