My first Pylones encounter was with this super adorable thermos, a Christmas gift from a lovely girlfriend. I love it and am constantly looking for excuses to use it.
I later stumbled upon a completely gorgeous, must-have-it-now pink and red poppy bicycle bell by Pylones, in an Octopus shop in Oxford. I fell so deeply in love that I completely forgot I don't own a bicycle, and bought it immediately. Fortunately another one of my girlfriends recently bought a pretty pink bike called Polly, so the bell found a worthy home after all. Ring ring.
Their range of kitchen and homewares are the kinds of pieces you'd really only choose one of, rather than decking out your house with the whole kit and kaboodle, which could cause serious damage to your retinas. But I bet the one Pylones piece you buy is the one object your houseguests always comment on.

Grater, $US31.00

Rainbow toaster, $US69

Prince & Princess dustpan and brush set, $US48

Pepper mill pirate, $US40
You can order these cuties and more from Pylones' US website or their French website, or buy them from Octopus shops in the UK (including the one in Covent Garden).
I *love* Pylones....My old workplace bought us all Pylones hipflasks for Christmas one year, mine had a naughty cartoon fox on it & I was very thrilled.