I like being a bit crafty but sometimes, as a busy Domestic Slut, I need a little help...that's why I am loving the work of
Emily Peacock. Emily sells fabulous tapestry kits so you can make her ace cushions yourself (but with a little help):

The kits include all you need to make her
long kiss and
big hug cushions as well as my personal favourite, the

Prices range from around £40 to around £130 - which at first does seem a little steep as you do have to do most of the hard work but they are so
pretty. Plus your mother will be so proud. Tapestry is the new knitting.
It always seems expensive buying a tapestry/embroidery/etc. kit, and the gut reaction is "I could buy a similar finished product cheaper! I'm not paying all that AND doing all the hard work of putting it all together!" but of course what you have to remember is that the kits come with all the threads, the canvas, and of course the artist's own design has a price on it. Buying all those things separately often comes to more than the price of buying a all-in-one kit. And of course, you're paying for the joy of crafting. Yay, making stuff :)