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Thursday 27 May 2010

The Coolest Coat

Well done, Karen Millen. It's just slightly too warm at the moment to warrant buying this, but I'm so taken with it. It's the perfect summery/springy trench coat. I love the colour (which would actually look stupid on me - I'm blonde). The double collar is a fancy touch, but then Karen Millen do excellent fancy touches, don't they?

The sleeves look stunning pushed up, and if you get caught in the summery rain, you'll look fabulous in this. Especially in giant sunglasses. Not that I need an excuse to wear those more than I do.

At £175 (down from £250), it's pricey, but this is very much an investment piece. Even in yellow, this is a classic.

1 comment:

  1. I'm completely crushing on this trench from Principles by Ben de Lisi right now -

    Maybe better on a blonde?


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