As testified to by the state of my carpet, I wholeheartedly agree with the sentiment of Naomi Ryder's No hoovering more kissing. It's more than a blithe sentiment too - it's the title for a beautifully hand-embroidered and screen-printed cotton, a perfect reminder of the importance of keeping a bit of romance in everyday life.
However, as moralists (or your mother) will tell you, such unfettered pleasure - such as comes from abandoning the hoovering - never comes without pain. In this case the pain comes attached to the price tag, a hefty £250. Thankfully there's lots more of Ryder's illustration and textile work on the Things We Love website, including tea towels and aprons that start at a very reasonable £12. I'm happy to say the ratio of smooching to spring cleaning in her pieces tips firmly in favour of the kissing. Hurrah!
There's a motto to live by!