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Wednesday 12 May 2010

Desk Geekery: Robot Pencil Sharpener

I know this robot pencil sharpener was probably designed with kids in mind, but I can't help but love him too.

You sharpen your pencils using the blade in his head, and the shavings collect in the top cube, which can be detached and emptied when it gets full. And, as you sharpen your pencils, you'll also be winding up a clockwork mechanism inside which will make him wobble along like those robot salt and pepper shakers you went so crazy for. (The key in his chest is for when you want wind-up entertainment without having to find a pencil to sharpen).

He'll keep you company whether you're slaving away on essays, letters, or just your weekly shopping list. Just don't blame us if you end up procrastinating because watching him totter across your table keeps you distracted for hours on end. He's £9.99, from Bodie and Fou.

1 comment:

  1. Just so you know, I got mine from Paperchase for a bit cheaper than that - they also have a dinosaur one :-)


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