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Friday 19 November 2010

Scientific Sluttery

Apparently this hanging solar system is perfect for a kids bedroom. Nope, not anymore, now it's perfect for my bathroom. It's such a lovely design. I don't think it's to scale, and it probably won't help me remember if Jupiter comes before Saturn, but it's a pretty addition to a ceiling - an area that doesn't get much in the way of interior design.

It's £10 from Cox & Cox. And it will look fantastic in any room of the house, even if it's meant for kids.


  1. Lol, definitely not to scale, that would involve both giant balls and tiny ones the size of a pinhead, and they'd be so far apart they wouldn't fit in your house! It's purty though.

  2. That would be hilarious. Pluto dangling above the cooker, Venus by the door. Wouldn't look as good, would it?

  3. We own it, or one very like it (it is hanging in one of our kids bedrooms but we can still enjoy it there too). Ours also glows in the dark which never ceases to amuse me! Might have been from the Science Museum shop I think.


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