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Tuesday 5 April 2011

Shoe Porn: Miss L Fire Orchid Wedge

I am pretty smitten by the entire Miss L Fire shoe collection. However, I have to admit that on a practical level I would probably find it hard to totter around in their sky-scraping heels for much longer than a few hours. As such, I had mainly had them down in the going out shoe category.

However, I was overjoyed when I spotted their Orchid Wedges, with their low-stacked wedges, as I could happily swan around in these beauties day in and day out. And look at the wonderful ric-rac trim. My inner crafter is swooning mighty hard right now.

They cost £59.99 from Dollydagger and are also available in a rather lovely red colourway too.

1 comment:

  1. You can also buy all Miss L Fire shoes at their website now direct at I'm a lucky girl I have these in black and yes they're very comfortable!


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