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Tuesday 17 September 2013

Simply the Beast: Carola Van Dyke's Beasties collection

The new collections from the ever marvellous Magpie are an autumnal treat. They've introduced a charmingly twee range called Forest Friends, but my heart is lost to the Beasties range. Covering roughly the same wild subject matter, these are based on the designs of Carola Van Dyke.

Van Dyke normally works in fabric, making covetable cushions - her original designs cover everything from dogs and cats to moths and skulls (splurge purchases at £75 to £79 each) - and 'taxidermy' heads from a mixture of vintage textiles. Magpie have translated the tactile qualities of her designs onto porcelain and the Beasties range features the kind of creatures you'd really want to be your besties.

The range is based around four different characters. There's Mr Fox and Mr Hare, as pictured here on dinner plates, as well as Mr Stag and Mr Badger (presumably Ms Fox, Hare, Doe and Badger all had something better to do). All are depicted in an appetising mixture of colour and pattern. You can pick up a pair of the dinner plates for £26. Or a set of side plates in all four designs are £20.

For more day-to-day creature comforts, you can buy each design on an individual mug, here's Mr Badger - dishwasher safe and priced at £8.50.

Not quite ready to be released into the wild are these cake tins - they're marked as 'coming soon' on the website. They're going to the top of my wishlist when released, as they'd be perfect for transporting, oh blackberry crumble cupcakes, and, um, bramble and lemon loaf, and other delicious autumnal treats. The tins are £26 for a set.

Or the cheapest way to pick up a set of all four designs is with these Beasties egg cups (keep that Mr Fox away from your chickens though!). A set will set you back £16, but will keep you happy through autumn and maybe through to Easter.

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