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Wednesday 13 May 2009

What's your favourite type of sluttery?

I like that the term 'sluttery' is being used more often. But I'm curious now about what your favourite type of sluttery is (yes, except for that kind). Someone commented on our Facebook page saying they loved lounging about in a bubble bath with a glass of Baileys. Yep, I'd quite like that too. But if I had to choose, it would be a glass of champagne outside in the sunshine when I'm actually meant to be working.

So what about you guys? What's your favourite type of sluttery? Tell us in the comments too!


  1. Is it being greedy if I want to choose 'all of the above'?

  2. I wouldn't mind all of the above either! Sex! Gin! Ice-Cream! Bath! Heels!

    All at once? Best use of time ever.

  3. You cheats! But yeah, you're right. All of them at once please.

  4. All of the above, with someone to wait on me, please.

  5. gin fuelled fancy dress with home baked goodies and dancing


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