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Wednesday 15 July 2009

Design Porn: Kent and London Alphabet Drawers

I love these alphabet drawers. I'm a self-confessed book geek and while these aren't my usual style, they are stunning. Mix typography with good design and I'm pretty much sold. These popped up in our Twitter stream a little while ago and I've found my self staring at them on more than on occasion. They're from Kent and London and they're £2700. I'll have to wait a while until I can afford them.

Thanks to LizS4ra and Nuttycow for the tip off! Want to follow us on Twitter and show us nice things you've found? Then do!


  1. So pretty! I'd love to use it as a giant organiser. If I could afford it, which sadly I can't.

  2. This is the first thing I've seen in ages that made me "Oh!" out loud. This is so cool! I love it.


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