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Monday 6 July 2009

Things for boys: Cufflinks in disguise

The boy has been getting his way quite a lot when it comes to the cinema recently (I am still annoyed that I am yet to force him to watch The Notebook, but ladies it WILL happen!). Whilst I am not the hugest Star Trek fan there was the distraction of Chris Pine, and whilst he's not to everyones' tastes, at least Transformers* had Shia LaBeouf. And speaking of Transformers I wanted to draw your (more-than-meets-the) eyes to these rather cool cufflinks. These autobot/decepticon babies are from Finkstudio on Etsy and are just $20 ($26.50 including p&p). They also have some rather girly things in their shop too - yay!

* I didn't mind going to see Transformers truth be told. I am a child of the eighties and am happy to admit that Optimus Prime rocks!


  1. Shia Le Boeuf?! WHAT ABOUT JOSH DUHAMEL???

    chuh! ;-) more for me, I suppose.

  2. Really really like these! Why do shirts for girls never have cufflink holes? We miss out on a whole load of accessorising. It's not fair!

  3. These are nice, would make a great gift for a boyfriend/husband.


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