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Thursday 2 July 2009

Housework Fairy: Lisa Stickley

It's not often I talk about housework, because it's DULL! But, until a real housework fairy is invented (who do I speak to about that?), I'm going to have to distract myself with pretty housework things. Like this ironing board cover from Lisa Stickley:

Stop putting your head to one side to try and read the writing. You look silly. Here's a close up:

Gin! Diamonds! See? Ironing is now lots more fun.


  1. Cute! I'd buy, but it'd be a waste seeing as how I rarely iron. Water in a spray bottle and a minute in the dryer works for me. Yeah, I'm lazy...I know. :)

  2. I rarely iron either! but this would look pretty in my kitchen :-)


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