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Monday 21 September 2009

Sluttery loves: Illustrated Living

Every once in a while you find a website and wonder exactly how you'd never found it before. This happened to me recently with the really rather ace Illustrated Living. The site is full of all manner of joys to make your life better from mugs to posters, tea towels to purses. I quite fancy getting one of their Now Panic and Freak Out mugs to go alongside the Keep Calm and Carry On one! What about this rather brilliant 'Things to make' Ladybird notebook, it would make a great little book for noting down recipes and all sorts of crafty projects, and its only a bargainous £8.50 (and you know how much us Domestic Sluts love our retro Ladybird prints)

Speaking of bargains, what about this pretty felt placemat - it's only £3.25! WANT!
If you've got a few more pennies to spend then you might fancy this stunning Thermo Mug with a very pretty golden tree design for £18.95. I'm sure you'll agree, a whole load of want-iness!

1 comment:

  1. I have this 'Ladybird Things to Make' notebook and it still makes me smile every time I get it out of my bag. Such memories of childhood.


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