Remember when we showed you those pirate lady prints by tattoo queen Angelique Houtkamp, way back in June? Well, ever since I bowed to the inevitable and snapped them up for myself, I’ve had a hankering to embellish every other textile, ceramic or accessory in my humble abode with tattoo motifs. Maybe its my rock’n’roll upbringing (my Dad use to roadie for Motorhead, so chez ma famille tattoos and other rock memorabilia are definitely not to be dissed), but it’s my sincere belief that there aren’t many things in life that don’t look better when emblazoned with a selection of anchors, scrolls, swallows and busty sluts wrapped in snakes.
So I did some web-based investigative sleuthing, to see whether my dreams of a floor-to-ceiling tattooed palace were actually attainable or just the stuff of fantasy. Here’s a selection of my favourite finds:
So I did some web-based investigative sleuthing, to see whether my dreams of a floor-to-ceiling tattooed palace were actually attainable or just the stuff of fantasy. Here’s a selection of my favourite finds:

King of tattoo merchandise Ed Hardy has a selection of mugs and other rockabilly homewares, available from Love for Stuff and other retailers. The mugs are £10 each or 3 for £25.

This oven mitt, £12.95 from Lady Luck, will keep you from getting your fingers burnt without compromising on style. It’s patterned with scrolls, stars, anchors and lovehearts.

This beauteous and retro alarm clock would make waking up in the mornings much easier. It features designs by tattoo royal highness Angelique Houtkamp herself, and it can be yours for a mere £13.49 from AltwearUK.

And if you’re feeling flush, you could plump for this cushion from Rockett St. George, which combines vintage-style fabric and sweet embroidery with tattoo iconography. At £49.99, it’s a tad on the extravagant side compared to the others, but it looks so comfortable that I can’t help but be tempted.
Found a load of cool stuff here