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Wednesday 18 May 2011

Custom Crush: Sixes and Sevens

I rather wanted to write about cushions today on the basis of a discussion I've been having on Twitter about the completely random things mothers throw into conversation.

From Chris: "Yesterday I got a text: 'Have quit job. Started a cushion business. U OK? Mum x'"

There is NOTHING about that that isn't brilliant.

It makes sense, too, because most cushions I like are outrageously expensive. John Lewis's hover around the £40 mark, and you won't get much change from £80 at Liberty. Humph.

Chris's mum had better get her game on though because I have fallen head over heels for Sixes and Sevens' Folksy shop. LOOK AT THIS PIGEON!

The cushions are all hand-decorated, and the pigeon's hat is felt. Sixes and Sevens will even do you a cane, a monocle or a different sort of bird if you'd like.

Astronaut cushion, £40

When I was in my first year at secondary school we were asked what we wanted to be when we grew up. I didn't know what I wanted to be, but I knew I didn't want to say the same thing as everyone else, so I proudly declared my intention of becoming an astronaut. I love this cushion for that very reason - it's a reminder of my continuing fake ambition!

If you didn't fake-want to be an astronaut though, you can pick different words, colours or change the picture entirely - hand painted again, you see.

So there we have it - £40 in the shops for whatever's on the shelf, or £35-40 for a cushion you can pretty much design yourself and have hand painted for you. Sorry boyfriend, looks like the sofa's getting even more accoutrements.

PS - on a much smaller scale, I adore this little pin cushion, a snip at only £6.

PPS - back on the subject of mothers, my friend Rachel reports this wonderful exchange: 'Mum: "Guess what I've bought?" Me:"New shoes? Hat?" Mum: "A eucalyptus and sandalwood plantation." Me:"What?"'


  1. I am so jealous I didn't come up with that last cushion idea myself. Awesome & Amazing. Lovely post :)

  2. I want them ALL!! Especially the 'You Are Here' one.

  3. Oh they're brilliant. Love them.

  4. Aren't they? I need my friends to stop getting hitched so I can save up A LOT of money for cushions. I love the patterns so much! Much nicer to get someone to do something by hand, it's been far too easy to just splash out a ton of cash on something fairly basic of late.

  5. Just as they stop getting hitched they'll start having babies... it's never ending!

    Anyway, the cushions are great - love them :)

  6. Wait, like a whole plantation?


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