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Monday 2 December 2013

The Domestic Sluttery Cats and Dogs Gift Guide

It's entirely possible that this post was just an excuse to spend an entire morning looking at cute dogs and cats. But pets are part of the family and I know lots of you will want to get them something for Christmas. So here's a little gift guide for your cats and dogs. Complete with adorable photos.

Clothing and accessories.

First up is Mutts and Hounds, because you can't beat a dog in a bowtie. He looks so scruffy, putting him in a dapper bowtie is funny! The bowtie is £15 and comes in blue and pink.

Scruffy dogs are the best dogs.

Then we've got some gorgeous leather cat collars, which are far too pricey to be put on cats who get into a lot of trouble and get stuck in trees, from Cheshire & Wain. This collar is £69 and comes with a jingly gold-plated acorn bell. If you have a particularly sinister cat, you can add a little charm in the shape of a raven skull.

If your cat isn't into wearing skulls, he might like a gingham collar instead. I like the little bell, it's cute. It's £30 from Mungo & Maud.

Oh hey, where is this dog going? Wherever he likes! Maybe he's going to a dog friendly hotel. He's got his backpack on, full of important adventuring dog stuff. Camping gear, a snack for when he gets hungry. Oyster card. Map and compass.

No, wait, this is ridiculous and spending $120 on a doggy backpack is stupid. Even if the dog in question looks really damn pleased with himself.

This little dog looks so sad in his cashmere jumper! I own very little cashmere, I'd be much happier than he is. This is unfair. It's £129 from Mungo & Maud. You can buy human cashmere jumpers for less money.

Look at this chap in his quilted jacket! Mungo & Maud might be pricey, but they've got some brilliant doggy models. I've lost most of my morning because of them.

No, Hiro & Wolf, of course it's totally normal to match your outfit to what your dog is wearing.

Food and treats (shush now, this is a very serious article).

I can't tell if Billy and Margot are mocking me. Ice cream for dogs! Popcorn for puppies! You can buy it in Ocado for £2.99. Obviously you'll have to pay for it because your dog doesn't have a bank account. He doesn't contribute to the weekly shop. He doesn't even pick up his own crap after he's eaten his posh ice cream.

If you're after something more festive for your pooch (he's probably sad that he can't eat Quality Street), a carob cookie tree is perfect. It's from Klassy Canine Bakery and it's £3.95. We're going to show you how to make a human version this Christmas.

Ginger cat biscuits! No, this isn't OK, Oscars Bakery. Dogs do not eat cats.


The Stylish Dog Company isn't really about your pet getting nice gear (they'll still want to sleep in a cardboard box). It's more about not having ugly pet stuff all about your house. This guy has just been showered with comfy presents, you'd think he'd be a little happier about it. He doesn't like purple.

Gonna be honest here. Neither of these cats are thrilled about this cat cabin situation. Inside cat appears to be heartily mocking outside cat. I love the look on outside cat's face. They were obviously wishing for a cat teepee.

Both are £20 from SuckUK. Both will get chewed to bits within a week.

I love that this pet bowl set has 'water' and 'food' written on it. Cats and dogs can't read! This set is from Idyll Home and it's £29.

THIS HAS GONE TOO FAR NOW. Your dog doesn't understand the concept of 'retro'. He also doesn't have four grand to spend on a 24-carat gold dog bed. Even if it does make him look like an Austin Powers baddie.

Guisapet have a little bit of a cult following (if such a thing was possible for pets). Modern and stylish as they are, this cat model is tired and plotting to scratch the photographer's eyes out if he tells her to smize one more time. She's not here to make friends.


  1. Wow!! You have shared such wonderful list of items for cute, lovely pets. These are truly wonderful accessories, especially leather collars, unique designs of beds and so so cute bag in a picture. Thanks for sharing this post.

  2. Perfect combination of awwws and lols. Well done.

  3. There was a limited edition Whiskas cat bed a few years ago *exactly* like that Guisapet one, white with a grey fur cushion inside. You can still get them on eBay, minus the murderous Persian cat...

  4. I don't even have a cat yet, but when I get one I am so buying him/her that Guisapet cat bed. It's amazing!


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