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Monday 11 May 2009

Sluttishly Easy: Cola Cake

When Lovely Louise asked us if we had a recipe for a cake made using mixer and hangover cure cola, we had to find one.

Luckily for us, the baking goddess that is my friend Alix sent me a recipe that seemed so simple and yummily good, it would've been wrong not to try it out in the name of baking research.

You will need:

1 cup unsalted butter
2 cups self raising flour
2 cups sugar
1/2 cup mini marshmallows. Or big ones - doesn't matter.
1 tsp baking soda
1/4 cup unsweetened cocoa
2 eggs, lightly beaten
1 cup cola
1/2 cup buttermilk (or plain yoghurt if you don't have/can't find any buttermilk)

1/2 cup butter
3 tbsp cocoa
6 tbsp cola
16 ozs icing sugar
1 tsp vanilla
Pecans (optional)

First up mix the butter and the marshmallows in a saucepan on a low heat until the marshmallows are all melty and gooey. Try not to eat it. Stir in the cola and the cocoa then remove from the heat.

Sieve the flour, sugar and baking soda into a bowl then beat in the cola/marshmallow goo followed by the eggs and the buttermilk. Beat until it's smooth'n'silky.

Pour into a baking tin and bake for about 35 minutes at 250C.

While it's baking you can get on with the frosting goodness. Mix the butter, cocoa and cola in a saucepan and bring to the boil. Pour slowly over the icing sugar, stirring continuously. Add the vanilla and stir until it's smooth. You can add the pecans now or put them on top.

When the cake's ready, spread on the frosting and enjoy! It seems to produce a very sticky, sweet cake that's best devoured with your hands for ultimate indulgent messy eating!

*If you don't have a cup measure, try looking in John Lewis or any shop with a good cookery bit - I found mine in TK Maxx for £3!


  1. If you're cup challenged then these weights ought to work as well.

    1 Cup = 250ml

    1 Cup Flour ~= 120g
    1 Cup Sugar ~= 220g
    1 Cup Cocoa ~= 100g
    1 Cup Butter ~= 225g

    According to my scales anyway - I've seen some places that say that 1C of Cocoa is more like 120g, but there no way I could fit more in!

    Use at your own risk, I've not tried the recipe using weights etc.

    So it would end up being (you'll have to excuse the grams, I can't think in oz!) -

    225g Butter
    240g Flour (Self Raising)
    440g Sugar
    1/2 Cup of Marshmallows (didn't have any to hand, call it about as many as you can pick up in one hand?)
    1 tsp Baking Soda
    25g Cocoa
    2 Eggs
    250ml Cola
    125ml Buttermilk

    Now I'm going to go an pretend like I'm not so much of a cooking geek that I went and weighed those all out...

  2. ed,

    thank you sooo much for posting those conversions! we do everything by cup here in the states and there are very few details out there for quick'n'easy measurement conversion. i'm going to take your guidelines and figure out the rest of the UK recipes on the DS site!

  3. We actually have a nifty little device coming up this week that'll explain everything on one handy measuring thingy! It's the best thing you'll buy all year!

    Sorry we don't convert the recipes! We find the same problem when we find US sites with great recipes too!

  4. My pleasure, as I said I'm a foodie!

    I suppose I'm a little anal about it just because I enjoy baking and that's one thing where having the quantities off can make quite a big difference. These days it's almost second nature to reach for my scales when I'm making something like pastry or bread (actually, I've been making a lot of bread recently - I'd highly recommend the one that I enriched with an egg and olive oil, as well as the one where I added ground toasted oats... yummy!).

    More than happy to lend a hand converting some other recipes if wanted.



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