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Tuesday 10 April 2012

The boy and his poison: The Londoner

I trust everyone had a lovely Easter hibernation. My blood now has a similar cocoa content to premium dark chocolate and most of my organs have been replaced with roast potatoes… which leads me to my post Easter apology. Before someone points out that I've shaken a cocktail in a jam jar (again), I'd like to clarify that it was a means to avoid doing the washing up. And it was because it was 3pm, a Sunday, and the sort of hangover that even codeine couldn't fix.

Jar aside I hope you'll love The Londoner,  a cocktail first developed for Brookers Gin. I decided to go for an Easter staycation which meant befriending the local moped delivery jockeys and enduring the capital at its greyest. Come Sunday I needed a drink that was colourful, delicious and would cut through the malaise. Sweet dark berries and tart grapefruit did just the trick, so if you're having a grey Tuesday, give it a go.

You'll need:
  • 50ml gin
  • 25ml grapefruit juice
  • 25ml Chambord
  • 25ml lime juice
Make it:
  • Add all the ingredients to an ice filled shaker
  • Shake for 10-15 seconds
  • Strain into a martini glass or whichever vessel Easter's washing up hasn't eaten


  1. Now that Lent has passed, I am looking forward to trying a few of your recipes. Thank you for your attention to gin, all too often overlooked in the States where everyone seems to prefer vodka as the cocktail base of choice. Happy Spring!

    1. That's really interesting - Gin is so popular in the UK right now.

  2. Always a pleasure, anything you ever need recipe suggestions for, just shout.

  3. Oh this is deeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeelish.
    Just made it as a celebratory drink - might see us through to the kids' bedtime with a :)


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