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Thursday 12 April 2012

French Fancies: French Connection Home

Here's an interesting launch when you're considering the topic of our Domestic Debate later this evening - another fashion label launching a homewares line, in this case French Connection.

What kind of homes do the people of French Connection think their costumers live in? Judging by this little lot, it's very clean, muted and really quite serious. This dress and this dress and this dress would certainly stand out in a room dressed in French Connection Home, but perhaps that's their idea. What it lacks in colour, the collection makes up for in tactile qualities: think wood, metal and ceramics.

Pleasantly surprising also is the pricing. I thought items would be about equivalent to the (admittedly ridiculous) prices of their clothing but they seem to be a bit cheaper. Could that be because high street home shoppers refuse to pay as much as high street clothing shoppers? I'm verging on debate territory again - I will keep my opinions quiet until this evening. In the meantime, here's some French Connection stuff so you can make up your own mind.

I think this range of tableware is my favourite thing in the whole collection, probably because it looks a bit 1950s. This side plate is £10.

Here's an example of the range at its tactile best. Don't you fancy a stroke of this mango bowl? Check out the sales blurb too, this is apparently "great for serving food or home baked bread". In my home, that would be more like bacon rasher crisps, chocolate and over-salted popcorn, ta French Connection. The bowl is £25.

More class comes care of this zinc pitcher vase, available for £30. The blurb says to use it for flowers or water. I'm thinking booze, you're with me right?

This £85 pendant ticks so many trend boxes I'm not sure where to begin: hand-made, industrial, retro, vintage-style. If you had to draw 2012 in light form, this would probably be it. Predictably, I really like it.

I think the most surprising thing for me is that a company who can do such colourful clothing and are famous for the humour in their ad campaigns seems to be taking itself so seriously. That's until we get to the Ian cushion. Round of applause for getting managing to launch any product named 'Ian', however, take a look at this and tell me it isn't more of a 'James':

I would never be able to see this cushion without launching into a bad rendition of late 1980s indie. I don't particularly like the design but I do like the fact it's marginally less tasteful than the rest of the range. Ian/James can come home and be sat down next to you for £40.

So what do you reckon? A high street hit or a no-hoper? Let us know in the comments below, and don't forget to join in our debate tonight at 8pm.


  1. I want to love it, but I can't help feel that it's a bit H&M. There's nothing bad about it, but it's hardly cutting edge interior design, is it? It feels like interiors by numbers.

  2. I like the popcorn bowl and booze jug (I want to touch...), but there'd have to be more exciting design and colour going on in the house around them to avoid a dose of 'meh'!


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