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Wednesday 28 May 2014

Etsy Pick: Stumped Studio


I fell in love with the "progressive design group" Camberwell Collective after seeing one of their takes on chairs featured at the Maida Vale Hill Market. Or at least, I did until it turned out that very few of the links to their designers worked - which is good news for me as it focused my attentions on the fabulous work of Stumped Studio.

As you might guess from the name, they make things out of wood! Lovely, glorious, imaginative things, that recycle and reimagine. 

These laser cut weekday hangers were part of their graduate show back in 2012. Happily for anyone taken by the colourful version, you can buy a full week's set on their Etsy store for £45. They're for kids, but that's never put anyone I know off. (ALTHOUGH as someone infinitely more sensible than I has pointed out - they may well be sized for kids outfits too. Darn.)


These picture frames are incredible. A seriously cute present for the photographer/Instagrammer/selfer/owner of a phone in your life. They're £25 and there are plenty of different styles listed in Stumped's Etsy store.


These gorgeous Hasbeens aren't for sale, more's the pity. They're turned by hand from off-cuts, chair legs and unwanted wood to become "souvenirs and storytellers". That said, Stumped do a lot of work with the marvellous Remakery project in Camberwell, so I bet you could sweet talk them into selling one they've made there.


  1. Erm warning - the children's hangers are likely to be suitable for child sized ensembles surely?

    1. Oh gosh I'm so thick - I didn't even think of that. Thanks so much, I'll change that now x

    2. Some of my halter dresses and cross strap dresses are hanging on small hangers.

    3. Same - I've got a beautiful padded silk hanger that belonged to my grandma.

  2. Those hangers are so adorable! They need to make those for adults!

    1. They actually do, they're just out of stock at the moment! As soon as there are more we'll share them.


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