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Wednesday 18 June 2014

Design Porn: Kennington Lane Press Stationery

I came across the sexy stationery served up by Kennington Lane Press when my choir sang an extremely hungover gig at the Kennington Village Fete at the weekend (it was our birthday gig the night before. At least that went swimmingly!)

I saw these cards and made noises that really shouldn't be heard in the presence of children. I love their stationery: beautiful, carefully-made, with fun messages and lovely colours. Generally excellent, if you, like me, have a tendency to hoard the stuff.

I love writing thank you notes - it's pretty much the only time you get anything handwritten these days, and while ta very much is gorgeous, my inner Victorian demands to send an old fashioned thank you.

Cards for someone you love (or in The Stars Aligned's case, someone you've been to see The Fault in Our Stars with recently).

Truly Madly Deeply is one of my favourite films. Sod's law would have it that I bought it on Amazon for three quid and left it in my supermarket basket by accident, and it's now TWENTY EIGHT SODDING POUNDS. Bloody outrage. This card is much cheaper, and utterly charming.

"Toodle Pip!" was inspired by what Emily's grandpa used to say on leaving the house each morning. Lovely. And handy if you've got friends emigrating/moving jobs/house/to another pub.
I could send these cards to any number of the Sluttery team, past and present: Star Baker could go to Laura B for her epic gingerbread work or Mean Girls birthday cake, to Laura H for her wildly imaginative cakes, or to Sian or Sara for their gorgeous baking for beginners recipes. Argue amongst yourselves girls. And currently Caleigh deserves the B is for Baby card because her son is a hella delicious baby.

Kennington Lane Press has so many more cards to pick from: these are just some of my faves. They will also draw you up personalised notes as well. The ones on the site for kids are a bit serial killer (lots of upper and lower case action), but I saw some beautiful ones that were a little more sedate but still colourful as hell. Drop Emily a line, and get some beautiful stationery to cheer up your week.

And write me a letter while you're at it!

1 comment:

  1. Oh I just love stationary! Off to have a bit of a look.


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