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Tuesday 3 May 2011

Geekery: Star Wars Chop Sabers

What do you give the geek who has everything, from retro robot money banks to a Lego Darth Vader alarm clock? How about some chopsticks shaped like lightsabers?If the force is strong but the noodle-slurping skills are not, these Star Wars Chop Sabers could be the perfect present.Embrace your inner Jedi and give sushi and stir-fries some futuristic sci-fi pizazz for only £9.99, from Firebox.


  1. seriously where have you been the past bazillion years? These are older than the birth of christ

  2. Maybe they used them at the last supper...

  3. What do you give the geek who has everything, from retro robot money banks to a Lego Darth Vader alarm clock? How about some chopsticks shaped like lightsabers?swtor credits
    swtor credits


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