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Monday 2 April 2012

Sluttishly Simple: Easter Egg Nests

If there is a spread of cakes laid out before me I will nearly always go for the chocolate crispy cakes. As much as I would like to think I have sophisticated taste buds sometimes you just want the chocolate-y crunchiness. 

I made these super simple Easter egg nests with two small children this weekend and they went down a treat. They are an ideal activity for the little people in your life and perfectly enjoyable over the Easter break (and big kids love them too *ahem*).

Easter Egg Nests
You will need:
  • Box of All Bran (for the twigs)
  • 200g Chocolate
  • As many Mini Eggs as you can stomach
Make it!
  • Melt the chocolate in the microwave first for 30 seconds and then 10 second bursts stirring if necessary until the chocolate has just melted. (Alternatively, melt the chocolate bain marie style).
  • In a large bowl carefully stir together the melted chocolate and All Bran. You will need enough All Bran to be coated in chocolate. (the little people helping me wouldn't let me put much in as they wanted it very chocolate-y).
  • Using two tea spoons dollop some mixture into muffin cases sitting in a muffin tin. Create a small well in the middle and place a few mini eggs in the centre.
  • Pop the nests in the fridge for at least an hour to set.


  1. Oi, Sellers! Don't you try and sneak healthy cereal into my chocolate. I'll be making my nests with Crunchy Nut Cornflakes.

    1. again, this will go down as another of my weird food things but I actually like the taste of Bran Flakes and All Bran. They are tasty and they keep you regular, what's not too like?

    2. also, cornflakes look nothing like twigs so mine are healthy and artistically realistic.

    3. Sorry ladies - it's all about Shredded Wheat! And a couple of fluffy yellow chicks to decorate.


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