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Tuesday 21 January 2014

Glam Coats For When It's Grim

Shops are gradually adding pretty spring things and, while I'd love to skipping around in picnic appropriate clothes, the inescapable fact remains: it is still January. My answer to balancing my hankering for the new with the need to stay warm lies in a coat. Not a practical coat, a glam coat bought for the very purpose of stopping me feeling quite so glum.

I spent last Jan/Feb/March/April swanning around in a vintage faux fur jacket that made my commute feel just a little bit more exciting each morning. This year, one of the designs I'm eyeing up is Tara Starlet's Girlfriend coat. It's available in a whole range of colours and I'm planning on picking the one that'll distract the most from my pasty winter skin. It's £155.

One advantage of buying coats after the September new school term rush, is that many of them are now on sale. This ultra chic Victoria swing coat from Collectif is now reduced to only £45. Sizes seem to be selling out however, so move quickly.

Also from Collectif is this sophisticated Constance Riding Coat. It looks like a coat that will take you on adventures, even if the only thing you have in your diary is a trip to Sainsbury's. It comes in black or beige and is £75.

This Paisie red coat with gold buckle manages to be ridiculously glam without being quite as retro as the other designs. And, hurrah, it's in the sale reduced to £80. Unlike the model, I recommend spending all that money you've saved on a good pair of tights because - again - it is still January.

There's no need to fret too much about accessories with the Garance coat from Miss Patina. All anyone is going to pay any attention to is that gorgeous huge neck bow (an excellent distraction from runny noses and chapped lips and other January woes). It also comes in a classic camel shade and is reduced to £100.80 at Miss Patina.

What would really cheer me up is an Orla Kiely number or three, but, while that's not going to happen this side of 2015, Boden's Holland Park coat is a great alternative. It's got a similar sixties style but is a slightly more affordable £149.

Missing the glitter and sparkle of Christmas? Yep, me too. It's not practical, it won't keep you toasty, but, either way, this Jaeger metallic jacket is magnificent. It's reduced to £125 at House of Fraser and it'll make everyday feel that bit more special, even if you have to wear it with three thermal vests and a pair of hiking socks...

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