But, I'm keen to try anything that will get rid of a cocktail hangover the next day. Sometimes a bacon sandwich and a cuppa just doesn't cut it. Which makes me feel a bit sad about the magical powers of tea. Before you make this drink though, I should give you the obligitary warning about raw eggs and their possible salmonella content. Only use the freshest ones you have.
You'll need:
- Raw egg
- Teaspoon of Worcestershire sauce
- Salt and pepper
- Tabasco sauce
Crack the raw egg into a glass (don't break the egg!), douse with the other ingredients. Then knock back thinking of something other than the fact you're eating raw eggs. Feel better! Then come and tell us if this works.
Can't think of anything worse! I'm afraid I won't be trying it either :D I've always found a bag of plain crisps and a bottle of Lucozade with 2 paracetamol does the trick nicely.