It's no secret that I'm fond of scribbling. In fact, I once won a prize in a drawing contest for scribbling. It's fun. And there's a lot of bright colours. But you don't get much chance to scribble on your walls. We've featured colour-in wallpaper before, but Cox & Cox have gone one better. Join the dots wallpaper! Yes please!
There's no numbers, you can just play and make patterns and scribbles and have fun. This is great for kids, but that doesn't stop me from wanting some. It'll be handy when boy housemate makes me watch Kung Fu films. It's in the sale, so it'll set you back just £20.
A wallpaper that encourages children to draw on the wall - now that is a way to keep the kids entertained over the summer holidays. Funnily enough, I just did a post about wallpapers for kids to try and stop them drawing on the walls - www.wallpaperdirect.wordpress.com