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Wednesday 4 April 2012

Perfect Picnic Blanket

At Domestic Sluttery we are huge fans of the humble picnic, be it outdoors in the blazing sunshine or snuggled up on the living room carpet watching the rain trickle down the window panes (hello British Summer!). I personally quite enjoy my Car Picnics with the boyf, where we get a new piece of scenery every time and stay sheltered from the frequent summer downpours. 

That is when this Random Woollen Rug from the National Trust comes in handy. Use both as a picnic blanket when the sun is shining and as a snuggly blanket to keep warm on the more inclement days.

Each rug is made from recycled wool and therefore come in unique combinations. When you place an online order you will get the extra surprise of not knowing the colours until it arrives. In my experience, they are all quite charming. For a bargain price of £12 it is both affordable and eco-friendly. 

And if you happen to be visiting a National Trust site over the weekend check out their gift shop for more choice.


  1. I also have this one from the national trust....£28 still a bargain :)

  2. I have two of these! Ours are quite muted colours, which is nice, and entirely necessary in the cold Scottish winter!

  3. £12! You bargain finder, you.

  4. Looks jolly nice! I might just need to order one - I only have one rug in my car boot and could really do with a second. Thanks for the hint!

    Love your description of Car Picnics. I've had plenty of these in my time... who can truly predict the moods of the British Climate! I only ever used to think of Picnicking as a Summer-time occupation, until I read a book by Una Stubbs (anyone remember her - lovely, vivacious and smiling actress, wrote a couple of "crafty home" type books in the late 80's?). It was called "A Stitch in Time" and had some great ideas for little elegancies and vintage tricks on a shoestring budget (she was an actress, remember!). Amongst the instructions for darning vintage linens, edging your petticoats with pretty lace and making gorgeous undies yourself, was an article all about Winter Picnics, with fabulous food and hot soup. Inspired! I tried it - it didn't rain (not summer!) and wasn't a damp day, so it was a lovely experience. Might just do it again some time - accompanied by my nice, new NT Rug perhaps!

    1. Picnics are for life, not just for summer.

  5. May have to get one of these as I don't have a picnic blanket yet & it could come in handy..

  6. The more cushioning between you and the uneven things beneath your blanket, the less likely you are to take a sharp rock in the back if you decide to lie down and gaze at the clouds.


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