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Tuesday 3 April 2012

Sluttery Travels: The Crab at Chievely, Berkshire

The Crab at Chievely in Berkshire has a very good reputation. It's one of those places that gets oooohed when you mention it. It's easy to see why when you see how pretty it is.

God, I love a thatched roof.

The Crab is actually known for its restaurant - they specialise in seafood (especially, erm... crab). But their hotel rooms are a little secret of the own and really very beautiful.

Half of the rooms have hot tubs so they're perfect for a romantic getaway.

If they don't have a hot tub then you might find a spa bath instead - the hotel is all about the luxury (or, making you relax and fall asleep in the tub until you go all wrinkly).

Romantic packages are £285 for a night, but you get a whole load of lovely things included - afternoon tea, chocolates to eat and champagne to drink in your hot tub, a three course meal and breakfast. They even throw in a bunch of flowers.

Can someone romance us, please?

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