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Wednesday 10 February 2010

Get romantic with Jan Constantine

I never tire of Jan Constantine. She's got a very distinctive style. You can walk into a shop and recognise a Constantine cushion immediately, but there's still something unique about all of the pieces. And so much work goes into them!

I love this new vintage rose heart cushion. It's perfect for the loved-up amongst you, but it's the kind of thing that will look great all year 'round. And, you'll want to treasure it for years to come. When you put it like that, the £78 price tag doesn't sound so bad. Just don't throw spaghetti over it.


  1. So pretty! I would be sure not to throw spaghetti over it but I think my kids have plans of their own! :)

  2. Beautiful, but £78 would feed my family for up to a week and pay for 5 singing lessons for my son - so, I don't think I'll be rushing out to get one just yet

  3. This cushion is beautiful and the detailing is fabulous! Having looked at Jan's website I think I'm going to try my hand at the Vintage Rose Love tapestry version.


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