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Friday 19 February 2010

A TV advert, a train station and a stripy makeover

When I saw the pictures of Carlisle train station, I couldn't help but smile. It was revamped for a Homebase advert of all things, and actually, it looks pretty darn fabulous with all of those stripes! (And I love the collection of lampshades dangling in the background.)

It's so fabulous that residents are campaigning on Facebook to keep it that way. And honestly, I can see why. I like it stripy! It's pretty! Imagine if all train stations looked like this. That would make waiting for a train much more fun.

Want stripes in your own home? Then how about this rug from Habitat:

These stripy bathroom accessories are £12 from Next Home.

Want stripes in your kitchen? This teapot from Whittards is £10. It also comes in red, and there's matching items. You can mix and match with spots the same shade to make your stripes that little bit more interesting.

Stripes are definitely more interesting than polka dots.


  1. Can you imagine having a hangover in a world where all stations looked like this?

  2. I see your point. But it's like Willy Wonka's chocolate factory!


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