Considering how much of my life is led online, I'm surprisingly old school when it comes to organising my life. Before I changed my phone to one of those all-singing, all-dancing internet machines a few months ago, I always carried a proper diary, and though I love Google Calendar, I must admit I've miss having my life scribbled in the margins of something tangible.
With that in mind, Filofax's new Beauty Giftbox is clearly aimed squarely at women like me, and I was very happy to be invited to the blogger's launch last week to take a closer look.
The gift contains not just a Filofax in one of three colours, filled with all the basic pages (diary, notes, address book) but also a pen with a hidden atomiser, a clip-in mirror and a gift voucher for a beauty treatment, haircut or photography session.
You're given a choice of a pale snakeskin, retro fresco or pink leather Filofax, and the pen is then co-ordinated to match. I was given the pink set, which was fairly apt. I'm sure there are plenty of women out there who'd hate a pink pen with a built-in perfume spray. Luckily, I'm not one of them. I love silly stuff like this, and I particularly like the fact it doesn't come ready-filled with some naff 'sponsor' scent, but is left empty for the owner to fill with their favourite.
The Filofax itself is a pretty big piece of kit, but it benefits from the fact you can add or remove the pages to suit your lifestyle. There are loads of extra pages on offer that you didn't even know you needed (outfit planner, 'favourite takeaways', little black book...) as well as stickers, post-it notes and all kinds of other stuff.
All this, and a beauty treatment voucher thrown in as an extra treat. You'll need to fill this in and send it off to redeem (which I've yet to do) but there appear to be locations around the country that are participating.
You'll know the girl who'll love this. While the uber-girly perfume pen, mirror and beauty treatment won't float everyone's boat, it's ideal for that friend who's not quite got the hang of technology yet! The whole gift will set you back £40, which is a great price considering the value is upwards of £100. It's available now from the microsite Filofaxgifts.co.uk, from Filofax's main website or Filofax stockists nationwide.
I heart Filofax already, but this is brilliant.
ReplyDeleteI'm adding it to my birthday list :-)
God, I wish I knew how to get invited to these things... I need that 'al fresco' Filofax so badly! Christmas list it is!
ReplyDeleteOooh, a filofax isn't something I'd use but even I now want that Retro Fresco one LOL
ReplyDeleteI really like this. Since I started living online, I haven't had much use for a separate diary - this might convince me otherwise.
ReplyDeleteOh I love this... I have a massive stationary fetish, and even though I'm a digital girl, I will never have a digital organiser! I love having an actual real diary with an actual real pen to write in it, calendars on phones just don't cut it for me. I have a moleskine diary at the moment and it runs out at Christmas of course... I haven't owned a filofax since I had my Junior Filofax when I was about 8 (Haha) and maybe I'd quite like one now...
ReplyDeleteI don't like the snakeskin (ew) or pink, I would go for the Fresco one, it's got a bit of vintage about it.
Christmas list!
I do have a question though - how do you get perfume into atomisers? I've never seen a bottle of my favourite stuff that could be easy to transfer in something more purse friendly.
ReplyDeleteah, that may be a problem...it's a tiny little vial with a spray lid that goes into the top of the pen. So you would have to decant from your big perfume bottle...if that's not easy you may have to rethink!
ReplyDeleteFor the perfume decanting, you need a little funnel. You can get tiny little ones, with narrow stems, so you can decant easily (some handbag atomisers come with a ltitle funnel).
ReplyDeleteForgot to add my funnel link - a tiny one like this one http://www.amazon.co.uk/Kingsley-Crystal-Purse-Atomizer-Funnel/dp/B0018P1BWW
ReplyDeletebut how do you get your Chanel into the funnel? Just spray it until it's full? That must take ages...
ReplyDeleteSian doesn't the lid come off your Chanel? It should unscrew / come off somehow...that said I don't think my Escada does so maybe we have a problem...
ReplyDeleteStill, it's all very Miss Moneypenny isn't it? Very cool indeed.
ReplyDeleteI LOVE my new lady Filofax. For a tenth of a second I thought it was a bit sexist, but then I decanted my perfume into the atomiser and make daily use of the mirror, so I'm quite happy.
ReplyDeleteI also have the terrible habit of triple booking myself because I've added a party into my iCal but not my work calendar, so having everything in one place is such a boon.
Mine's the snakeskin. I'm going to get one for my mother's birthday too as she is constantly hunting for pens, diary, address book, etc. Thank you Filofax!