Rachel! You win! Yay!
Anyway, on my cakes I would put moustaches! Cos then when youre about to eat it it'd look like you have a silly moustache :P Also may as well go for some top hats, monacles and pipes while I'm at it! Hurrah.
Hehe, we like the idea of those cakes. Congratulations! As always, email us your details and we'll get everything sorted for you! *Update*
Remember on Monday we hooked up with Mums Who Bake? They've been offering a pair of cupcake decorating classes to our readers so we ran a little competition. But who won?!
*Drum roll please*
Victoria K-G! Yay! We picked her name out of a hat, but she'd quite like to have rainbow cupcakes too:
"I'd go for "rainbow cup cakes" ... by using differing colours of edible glitter on a pale cream smooth cake topping I would use a rainbow shape (cut out of baking parchment) and sprinkle the different colours of the glitter to get the rainbow effect ... and I would put hundred & thousands in the baking mixture so the rainbow theme flows through the whole bun!"
That sounds much fancier than how ours would look if we made them. So what now? Victoria, just email us and we'll get the details over to you! Have an awesome time, and make sure your and your friend take lots of photos and send them to us!
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