Of all the silly nonsense, this is the stupidest tea party I've ever been to in all my life.
Alice in Wonderland is the best fairy tale, isn't it? A little bit crazy, a little bit scary and very very silly. That's what you want from a story! And frankly, that's exactly what I want from a fancy dress party too. Which is why I'm very excited about the Mad Hatter's Tea Party that's coming to London next month.
Now, just so you don't start acting like the white rabbit and muttering "I'm late, I'm late, I'm late" (pocket watch optional), it's on November 14th from 8pm. Just follow the rabbit down the rabbit hole to the Circle Bar in Clapham North. Doesn't sound very tea party like at the moment, does it? Well imagine everyone dressed up as Alice and the Queen of Hearts and then you might start to get swept up in everything. After a couple of tea martinis and you'll be grinning like a Cheshire cat. Make sure you avoid the Jabberwock, won't you?
Tickets are a fiver, but the money raised goes to Oxfam. You'll see a few of the Domestic Sluts there (dressed as Alice, of course). Just beware that curious looking bottle that says "drink me" on it.
Flickr image from Wonderlane's photostream.
I did an Alice theme garden party for my 30th Birthday - such lovely memories. Would love to organise a Mad Hatter's tea party like this one in Cardiff :-)