We're looking for another blogger to join the team. Someone who knows their interiors and has some blogging experience behind them. Hopefully you'll have a love for all things pretty and you'll maybe have a few recipes up your sleeve as well. And of course, if you can wow us with stuff that we really want to buy ourselves, then we'll get very excited indeed. In return, you'll get some pennies in your bank account (sometimes even pounds), lots of cocktails and more free cake than you'll ever need.
So what do you need to do? Email us a Domestic Sluttery blog post! That's the easiest way for us to see how you'll fit in with the rest of the team. We want to see great stuff that really fits in with the rest of the site. Not necessarily the most crazy thing you can find, just something unique and fabulous. Something you know we'll love, whether that's a recipe, or a shop we haven't discovered. (In case you're wondering, we won't publish your blog post unless we take you on.) And yes, we do really mean it about having blogging experience so send us a link to your blog as well. It doesn't matter where in the UK you're based (UK only at the moment, sorry), but if you can get to London occasionally for events and cocktails, that would make us very happy. And you should be able to commit to writing on a regular basis, not just once every three months or so. The site has got some really exciting projects coming up and we're looking for someone who wants to really be involved in everything we're doing. It really is as much fun as it sounds.
Have any questions? Just email us and ask!