Domestic Sluttery is changing! Visit our new homepage to check out our fabulous makeover.


Tuesday 6 October 2009

Help us win The Good Web Guide Award!

Yep, Domestic Sluttery is up for an award with The Good Web Guide. Hooray! There's only one - Website of the Year - but we really think we deserve it. Because who else will bring you glow in the dark jelly recipes? Or give you cupcakes every day for a week? And of course we go to extra lengths to bring you lovely shopping events and shiny discounts. All while looking fabulous and drinking cocktails!

You can nominate us here, and then if we win we'll get a whole load of goodies to make the site even better. Lots of pretty things that we'd really really like. It'll take two minutes to nominate us. Just click on the "tell us why here" and then say nice things about us!

The closing date is tomorrow, so if you want to nominate us, make sure you do it sharpish! Then The Good Web Guide will draw up a shortlist and we'll sit and cross our fingers for the next month while they decide the winner (which will no doubt make typing very difficult). They're judging on design, originality, content, interactivity and ease of use so if you think we deserve it, please go and do some clicking action. We'll be very grateful.

Might event let you hold our hands.


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